(Manila Comprehensive) Western media said that the Philippine Coast Guard personnel have significant symbolic significance to sneak into the sea to demolish China's floating barrier.

The New York Times reported that this shows that the Philippines has adopted the most powerful measures so far to fight against China's territorial claims that China's waters that are closer to the Philippine Islands.

China Maritime Police Ship has a floating barrier on September 22 on the Skobel Shilatan (China known as Huangyan Island) to prevent the Filipino fishermen from entering fishing.The Philippine President President Macos later ordered the Coast Guard to demolish the barrier.

After the Coastal Guards demolished the floating barrier set up by the Chinese Maritime Police on Monday (25th), the Philippine military also paid close attention to the follow -up action of China in the South China Sea, and vowed to take any actions to set more floating barriers to take a move.Countermeasures.

Little Marco has issued a signal many times since he took office last June to adopt a tough foreign policy to China.However, by now, the Philippines' approach is mainly in words, at the same time deepen alliance relations with the United States and other countries, as well as videos of the Chinese Maritime Police's provocative behavior against Philippine vessels.

Song Zhongping, a military commentator in Beijing, believes that the reason why the Philippines has the courage to demolish barriers is "because the United States continues to encourage the Philippines to fight against China in the South China Sea."

He said: "China must take decisive measures to stop the provocative behavior of the Philippines. We cannot allow the Philippines to provoke endlessly and pose a serious threat to China's national sovereignty and security."

Scholars: Forty Philippines will induce China to expand the risk of border conflicts to be higher

Xu Ruilin, a senior researcher at the Singapore Nanyang Institute of Technology Rajerhanan International Research Institute, predicts that China will strengthen its existence in the South China Sea. MayThe islands and reefs, which are actually controlled by the Philippines, to prevent the Philippine fishermen from free operation and intercept maritime law enforcement vessels.

Bi Lahari, director of the Middle East Research Institute of Singapore National University and former common secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, believes that "there are enough domestic problems in the Chinese government to confront the United States and increase the problem." But if the Philippines will not be increased;The demolition of the floating barrier, "the risk of conflict will be higher, because it will induce China to further expand the boundary."

Bloomberg reported that the demolition of China's floating barrier was equivalent to the foreign President Duterte's leaning foreign policy to the former Philippine President Duterte.

The Philippine Disassembling Barrier has not commented on the United States so far

South China Sea: The author of the power struggle in Asia said: "This marks a clear change. Now the Philippines will no longer adopt Duterte's set, that is, it is hoped to show it to China in exchange for Beijing in exchange for Beijing.Government protection. "

The intensive tension of the South China Sea also means that the Philippines is becoming more and more confident in protecting sovereignty's non -strong opponents.

However, although the United States has stated that the Philippines has shown the Philippines in many confrontation between the Chinese and Philippines, the United States has not yet comment on the Philippine demolition of China's floating barrier.

The former director of the United States Pacific Command and the former director of the Intelligence Center of the United States believes that the United States cannot "abandon" the Philippines."If we are out of the case, then our common defense treaty will lose credibility and even lose its reputation completely."