A new survey found that the difficulty of making money in the Chinese market in the Chinese market has increased significantly.

The Wall Street Journal reports that according to the US -China Trade National Committee's investigation of its member companies, the continuous intensified bilateral tensions are affecting all aspects of American companies in China, including damage to sales, decline in profit, investment, investmentCancel or delay.

According to the latest annual survey of the committee, the proportion of pessimistic companies in the future of China's business increased from 21%last year to 28%, a new high.The proportion of companies with optimistic views dropped to a record low of 49%.

More than one -third of the interviewed companies said that they have reduced or suspended their investment plans in China in the past year.This indicates that the commercial existence of American companies in the next few years will further decline.The reason for making these decisions is the increase in costs and uncertainty in business in China, and the increase in limited sales of products in the Chinese market.

This annual survey was conducted in June and July this year. Based on the questionnaire survey of 117 member companies of the committee, 39%of the Chinese business revenue reported at least 1 billionUS dollar (S $ 1.369 billion).

"Most companies are still profitable in China and recognize the importance of the Chinese market to their global competitiveness." The committee said."American corporate confidence and future investment rebound will depend on the policy direction of Chinese -US decision makers."

The National Committee of the United States and China Trade said that most companies participating in the survey have operated dozens of dozens of companies in ChinaLarge American multinational enterprises.

After a long period of strict epidemic restrictions, many American companies originally expected that the business would rebound this year.However, they are facing more obstacles caused by the slow recovery of China's economic recovery and geopolitical tensions.

According to the Wall Street Journal, in the latest survey, 43%of the interviewed companies have stated that China's commercial environment has deteriorated in the past 12 months.Compared with three years ago, 83%of companies expressed their confidence.

A survey conducted by the Shanghai American Chamber of Commerce from May 31st to June 30th found that among the 325 members who were investigated, more than half of the members of the business prospects for the next five years on the business prospects of the next five years.Holding optimism is the lowest level since the investigation began in 1999.

In the investigation of the National Committee of the United States and China Trade, more than half of the company said that due to the uncertainty of customers' sustainability of the supply of Sino -US trade tensions, their sales declined; one -third of them were reduced;The company said that due to nationalism, Chinese customers gave up their products, which led to a decline in sales.

The enterprises that are said to be postponed or canceled in China, the changes in the supply chain, and the increasing review of regulatory agencies each account for about one -third.

The extensive influence of China on data, personal information and cybersecurity, which makes companies particularly disturbing, 97%of the interviewed companies mentioned such concerns.

The National Committee of the US -China Trade said that the restrictions on cross -border data transmission and too broad data security concerns have affected the investment plan of the enterprise.The committee said that China's data policy has hindered the integration of local business and global business.