Sun Weidong, deputy minister of China Foreign Ministry in Washington, USA, Asia Pacific, USA, USA, and the United States Asia Pacific in Washington.Affairs Assistant Secretary of State Kangda held a consultation with Asia -Pacific Affairs, emphasizing that China and the United States in the Asia -Pacific health interaction complied with the interests of both parties.

According to the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, according to the consensus reached by both China and the United States and at the invitation of the United States, Sun Weidong held a negotiation of Asia -Pacific Affairs on Wednesday (September 27) in Washington on Wednesday (September 27).The two sides exchanged their opinions frankly, in -depth, and constructive international and regional issues around Sino -US relations, the Asia -Pacific situation, the policies of their respective regions, and the common concern.

Sun Weidong explained China's position on Taiwan's issue, emphasizing that a Chinese principle is the cornerstone of the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.Sun Weidong also stated the Chinese position on issues such as the "Indo -Pacific Strategy" promoted by the United States and the South China Sea.Sun Weidong emphasized that China and the United States in the Asia -Pacific benign interaction meet the common interests of both parties, and it is also the common wish of regional countries.The two sides agreed to continue to communicate on the Asia -Pacific affairs.

According to the US State Department, the two also conducted a constructive dialogue on regional issues including North Korea, and emphasized the importance of freely opening up the Pacific.

In addition, Sun Weidong also met Nuran, executive vice -State of the United States on the same day.

The Wall Street Journal quoted people familiar with the matter on Thursday that Beijing and Washington are promoting official exchanges between the two sides and adopting other measures to improve the turbulence of US -China relations to pave the way for Chinese President Xi Jinping to visit the United States.