(Beijing/Los Angeles Comprehensive News) TIKTOK recently reported high -level personnel changes in the United States. Employees questioned whether the company was independent of Chinese parent companies' bytes.

Wall Street Journal's exclusive report on Wednesday (September 27) said that many senior management personnel have been transferred from byte to Tiktok since the beginning of this year, some of which are from Beijing headquarters.

It is reported that the dispatched executives are mainly responsible for Tiktok's advertising and marketing income business.

These actions have aroused the concern of some Tiktok in the United States.A person familiar with the matter revealed that earlier this year, a Tiktok employee reported the situation of the company's senior officials of the company's senior officials, hoping that the Republican team could investigate.

From user data storage to TV advertising features, Tiktok has been working hard to show that he is independent of its Chinese owner in the past three years.The Financial Times reported earlier that byte beating also plans to become a major shareholder of a new company headquartered in the United States, which will operate the global business of TIKTOK.

According to the documents seen by the Wall Street Journal, Tiktok issued instructions to some new employees in 2021, specifically explaining how to pull the Tiktok from the bytes in the media.

One of the documents: "Dilvert the bytes of the parent company." Another document wrote: "Dilute the connection with China."

But after a recent series of personnel changes, some employees doubt this.Some employees complained that they felt that Tiktok CEO Zhou did not truly state the relationship between Tiktok and byte beating at the beginning of the US Congress hearing at the beginning of the year.

Employees also revealed that intelral jumps were usually responsible for approval of budget and providing product suggestions.But earlier this year, these executives transferred from Beijing to the United States began to participate in more strategic issues to participate in TIKTOK.

The Wall Street Journal quoted Tiktok's spokesman that the company did not have the relationship between diluting and byte beating.He said that in a large multinational company, it is not uncommon for employees to work for different products or work in multiple places.