The Chinese ambassador to the United States Xie Feng emphasized that the issue of Taiwan is the most important and most sensitive issue in Sino -US relations. The top priority is to resolutely block Lai Qingde's visit to the United States.

According to the press release issued by the Chinese Embassy in the United States, Xie Feng said on Wednesday (July 19) to attend the Aspert Safety Forum that Taiwan is Taiwan's Taiwan, which is an indispensable territory in China, and is inseparable from Chinese territory.In part, this is the primary of understanding and dealing with Taiwan issues.

Xie Feng pointed out that the biggest threat of the current Taiwan Strait's peaceful and stability comes from the Taiwan government to rely on the beauty and refuse to recognize the 1992 consensus."Taiwan's" China ", condoned Taiwan's independence split forces to adventure.

He urged the United States to implement President Biden's commitment to implementation, and said that the most fundamental thing now is to adhere to a Chinese principle.It is the words and deeds unanimously opposed the adventure of Taiwan independence. The top priority "is to resolutely block the gray rhino that Lai Qingde is rushing to us."

Xie Feng also called on the United States to go between China, strive for Sino -US relations to stabilize, get better, shorten the negative list, use action to eliminate obstacles and control differences, and properly properly in accordance with the principles of the three joint communiqués of China and the United States.To deal with important sensitive issues such as Taiwan, stop sanctioning Chinese entities and individuals, and prevent new interference and impact on Sino -US relations by the black swan and gray rhinos.

He also said that the United States should implement Bayeng in the action of not seeking to change the Chinese system, do not support Taiwan independence, unintentionally decoupling with China, and unintentional obstruction of China's economic development.