DPP presidential candidate, vice president of TaiwanLai Qingde voted for the Wall Street Journal to clarify his "Four-Pillar Plan for Peace".

The Wall Street Journal of the United States published an article on Lai Qingde on Tuesday (July 4). Lai Qingde proposed in the article that if he was successfully elected in Taiwan in 2024, he would implement the four major peace pillar political opinions, and he will always be about to Taiwan.The challenges face remained awake and ensure that the Taiwan Strait region is continuously stable.

Lai Qingde said that the largest pillar is that Taiwan must establish a deterrent.He pointed out that under the leadership of Taiwan Tsai Ing -wen, Taiwan has raised national defense budgets and reforms the recruitment and reserve system. These measures have raised the cost of Beijing to make military attacks in Beijing, thereby reducing the risk of explosive force conflict.Lai Qingde wrote that, on this basis, he will speed up the transition of the Taiwan army into the asymmetric combat troops, while seeking cooperation with partners and allies, especially in terms of training, troops reorganization, civil defense and information sharing.

The second largest pillar is economic security equivalent to Taiwan's security.Lai Qingde pointed out that Taiwan's current economic achievements are at the same time facing opportunities and challenges, and Taiwan's trade dependence on mainland China has constituted the weakness of Taiwan's economy.In this regard, Lai Qingde said that it will accelerate the establishment of Taiwan's security supply chain and pursue a trade agreement of diversified trade.He will also support innovative local industries, reduce unnecessary supervision, and strive to ensure that the fruits of economic growth are more balanced.

The third pillar is to form a partnership with democratic countries around the world.Lai Qingde said that this year, Taiwan sent the first medical team from Asia to provide medical assistance to Ukraine. At the same time, the number of members of Taiwan, non -governmental organizations, think tanks, and official delegations all reached a new high.This means that although there is pressure from the Beijing government, Taiwan is not alone.

The last pillar proposed by Lai Qingde is stable and principled Steady and Principled Cross-Strait Leadership.He said that in recent years, the Beijing government has cut off the communication with Taiwan in accordance with its 1992 consensus and a Chinese principle framework. At the same time, the military tensions between the two sides of the strait have heated up.A tension.

Lai Qingde emphasized that despite the increase in military and economic challenges, his primary task is still to maintain pragmatic and consistent.Lai Qingde advocates: "I support (maintenance) the status quo of both sides of the Taiwan Strait -this is in line with the greatest interests of the Republic of China and the international community. I will never exclude it on the basis of the principles of equivalent and dignity, (with mainland China).The possibility of dialogue on the premise. "

Lai Qingde finally mentioned that since 1996, the military aircraft and naval warships of the PLA of China have continued to move in Taiwan, trying to affect Taiwan's elections, and the stress on the two sides of the strait on the economic level of the economic level.The situation still exists, but his promise has not changed over the years -he has always worked hard for the peace and stability of the people of Taiwan and the international community.