The State Department of the United States said that due to the risk of improper detention, mainland China was listed as a "third -level" travel destination, and US citizens were advised to re -consider traveling to mainland China.

The U.S. State Department's website updated the warning of American citizens to travel to China on Monday.According to the US State Department, due to the arbitrary implementation of local laws, including laws related to the outbound ban, and the risks of improper detention, it is recommended that American citizens re -consider traveling to mainland China.

The State Department of the United States also said that it was found that there was a "risk of illegal detention of U.S. citizens" in China. U.S. citizens traveling or living in China may be unable to obtain US consular services or unknown charges.Detention may be interrogated or detained without receiving fairness and transparent treatment.

A spokesman for the State Department of the United States said that because the Chinese government "continued to engage in this improper detention", the US State Department updated the travel warning.

The United States CNN reported that although in the version released in March, the United States also listed mainland China as the third -level travel destination, the third -level reminder project was ""Any implementation of local laws", and the "improper risk of detention" belongs to the second level.Today, the US State Department also includes "the risk of improper detention" and has also included a "third level" warning project with a higher level of risk.

In addition, the US State Department also issued a similar tourism warning for Hong Kong and Macau. It is suggested that American citizens should be "extra careful" when they go to Hong Kong, but "re -consider going to" Macau.