The Ministry of Finance of China confirmed that US Treasury Secretary Yellen will be visiting China for four days from Thursday (July 6).She will be the second leader who visited Beijing in just one month after the Secretary of State Brillings visited China two weeks ago.

The analysis of scholars interviewees, Yellen's visit to China means the momentum of recovering communication channels in China and the United States, and has not been able to stall again by US President Biden Bynden publicly criticized Chinese officials and Sino -US sustainable economic and trade competition.

The official website of the US Treasury official website issued a statement on Sunday (2nd), announcing that Yellen will visit China for four days. During the period, it will discuss a number of macro and financial issues with senior Chinese officials, including how China and the United States can "responsible and control the relationship between the two parties,Communicate directly in the field of attention and deal with global challenges together. "

Reuters quoted senior US Treasury officials stated that Yellen's trip was to promote the deepening of communication and stability of the United States and China, and reducing the misjudgment when the two sides disagreed.

The official also revealed that Yellen will emphasize that Washington will continue to respond to China's "economic stress" behavior and expressed attention to the impact of China's anti -spy law on foreign capital and US -funded enterprises.

China's newly revised anti -spy law has taken effect last Saturday (1st). The US intelligence agency warns that foreign companies in China and business may face risks.

During Yellen's visit to China, the United States will also be violated for Uyghur human rights. China has recently banned products from American chip manufacturers, Micron's sales in China, and China investigating a number of US compliance and consulting companies to reiterate concerns.

Yellen is expected to discuss with China that the US investment restrictions are about to be sacrificed.Although senior officials such as Yellen have repeatedly emphasized that the United States does not seek decoupling against China, but instead "de -risk", Sino -US economic and trade relations have always been tense, and the United States has not relaxed the siege of China chip.Artificial intelligence chips are exported to China.

Bloomberg earlier quoted sources earlier that in order not to affect Yellen's visit to China, the US government has postponed new restrictions to avoid irritating China.

According to US government officials, Yellen will meet with Chinese Vice Premier He Lifeng, but it is expected to not meet with Chinese officials.

Zhu Feng, dean of the School of International Relations of Nanjing University, analyzed during an interview with Lianhe Morning Post. Sino -US relations have experienced "very important changes" after the visit of Brinken's visit to China, that is, the two parties agree that no matter how much controversy in the two countries, orDialogue communication.The high -level high -levels of the two countries entered a new period of positive interaction.

Li Mingjiang, an associate professor at the Nanyang University of Science and Technology, Singapore Nanyang Institute of Technology, pointed out in an interview that Yellen's visit to China not only showed that the continued changes in Sino -US relations, but also showed that Biden's criticism of China's officials basically did not affect the two parties.The willingness to restore consultation.

Zhu Feng analyzed that after Bollingin visited Huawei Sino -US relations to determine some architectural principles, Yellen visited China, and the two sides could show a new posture on more specific issues such as fiscal economy.China may urge the United States to stop the trade war and seek more foreign capital, and at the same time strengthen cooperation with the United States in terms of risk control and control in the financial sector.

In response to U.S. officials, it is not expected that Yelun's visit to China will bring "major breakthroughs". Li Mingjiang evaluates that Brin Jiang's political meaning of breaking the ice in China has a political significance.The interview and limited by the financial role, her exchanges with high -level Chinese high -level will be relatively narrower.

Zhu Feng also expects that, like Brinken's visit to China, Yellen's visit to China does not indicate that Sino -US relations will be substantially improved.The target of Chinese technology can start a new dialogue process. "

Since this year, the outside world has always believed that Yellen wants to visit China to seek China to continue to buy US debt.In this regard, Zhu Feng evaluated that in the face of the decline in the exchange rate of the RMB against the US dollar, the weakening of offshore RMB transactions, and the rise in import and export pressure, China "to greatly increase the holdings of U.S. bonds, and the realistic policy space does not exist."