"When I came to the United States that year, I changed‘ Li Cheng ’to‘ Cheng Li ’, and now I can change it back."

The reason why he changed from "Cheng Li" back to "Li Cheng" is because Li Cheng, a scholar in the United States and the Director of the China Center of the Brookings Society, decided to return to Asia and serve as the leader of the New Think Tank of the University of Hong Kong.Position.

The surname of the Chinese is in front of the front, and the Americans are behind. This is not only a return of Li Cheng's personal name, but also another return to Chinese talents.

The South China Morning Post reported on July 1 that Li Cheng took office on the same day and went to the University of Hong Kong to create the "China and the World Governance Center" (CENTRE on Gover of China and the World).

The Brookings Society in the United States has not announced that Li Cheng has left his office and has not announced his succession.According to the website of the Brukins Society, Li Cheng, 67, was born and grew up in Shanghai.He went to study in the United States in 1985 and joined the Brucks Society in 2006.He has written and edited multiple works, and has also provided consultation with many government agencies, private enterprises and non -profit organizations on Chinese affairs and US -China relations.

Li Cheng, Director of the John Sangton China Center of the Brukins Society, left Washington and went to Hong Kong to serve as a leading position in the New Think Tank of the University of Hong Kong.(Internet)

Li Cheng has been cultivating in Washington for many years, and has spent 17 years at the Brucks Society alone. He has repeatedly wrote many times to analyze the power structure and personnel issues of the Chinese government in the Western political community to enhance the Western understanding of Chinese politics.

Dennis Wilder, a senior director of East Asian Affairs of the White House National Security Council of the Bush administration, was deeply regrettable for Li Cheng's departure.He wrote on Twitter: "Li becomes a rigorous and accurate domestic political research on China and formulates standards. Huafu people will miss him very much."

Li Cheng left Washington in the context of the intensified game between China and the United States and the increasingly unfastened Sino -US communication pipeline.Although Li Cheng said that leaving the United States because of new opportunities, he revealed his personal helplessness in the interview and how he was affected by anti -Chinese emotions in the United States.

McCarthyism is returning to the United States

Li Cheng feels that Washington is getting strange to him and thinks that McCarthyism is returning to the United States.For Chinese people like him, life is becoming more and more uncomfortable in the United States.During a public speech, he was asked to clarify which side of the representative was increasing."When I say‘ we ’, people will ask, who do you say‘ us ’mean?"

As for whether you are worried that your departure will disrupt the pace of Washington to promote the contact of the United States and China, Li Cheng said that the deep -seated structural issues in bilateral relations are "very powerful, so that in the near future, it is likely that individuals will overwhelm individuals.s hard work".Li Cheng also pointed out that Washington's discussion on China is too simplified, "I certainly know that there are problems in China", "but at the same time, all these things may be exaggerated."

The reason why

chose to settle in China to settle in China is that Li Cheng expressed his hope to use Hong Kong, a "special place" to promote peace, and gather those who are more difficult to gather in Washington.He also said that Hong Kong is a "city with subtle and true political influence" and can play an active role in US -China relations.

Li Cheng's return is another epitome in the background of the "New Cold War" in China and the United States.

"China Action Plan" makes it uneasy in Chinese Chinese scholars in the United States

In fact, when Trump was in power, due to the intensity of Sino -US science and technology, the US DepartmentCase allegations.Prior to Li Cheng, many Chinese scholars and researchers in the United States who traveled to the United States chose to leave.

The Wall Street Journal reported in September 2022 that data collected by researchers collected by the University of Princeton, Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States showed that in 2021, more than 1,400 Chinese scientists who received academic training in the United States gave up them.Opportunities in American universities or enterprises, choose to return to China.This ratio increased by 22%over the previous year.

Among them, Qiu Chengtong, the highest honor in the mathematics industry, is one of the most noticeable resignations. He left Harvard in April 2022 and worked at Tsinghua University in Beijing.Qiu Chengtong was born in Shantou. He grew up in Hong Kong until he graduated from university and went to the United States to further studied.According to reports, Qiu Chengtong said in a speech on Harvard University's freshmen in September 2021 that the US government criticized the Soviet academic environment at that time, "I can't think of resurrection here."

The highest honor of the mathematical industry Philitz Award, Qiu Chengtong, left Harvard in April 2022 and served in Tsinghua University in Beijing.(Internet)

The return talents exposed by the Chinese media include Yan Ning, a professor of Princeton University, and Xie Xiaoliang, a lifelong professor and biophysical chemist at Harvard University.According to Sing Tao.com, Xie Xiaoliang was the first lifelong professor from mainland China after the reform and opening up of China.

China Action Plan to save ethnic prejudice?

According to the BBC Chinese website from Washington in July 2021, American public opinion has questioned the "China Action Plan" existence of ethnic prejudice.

It is reported to mention the case of Hu Anming, a former professor at the University of Tennessee.The scientist in the field of nano -technology was accused of not reporting his summer part -time activities at Beijing University of Technology, and intentionally deceived the National Aerospace Agency that he had allocated funds to him.Hu Antian said that according to the University of Tennessee, short -term part -time job does not constitute a conflict of interest, and he has never deceived the school and the National Aerospace Administration.Hu Antian's remuneration from Beijing University of Technology is less than $ 2,000 a year.

During the trial of the Hu case, some details of the investigation of the US law enforcement organs were publicly public, and the federal investigation bureau's handling method has become the focus of public opinion.Among them, FBI agents read a Chinese press release on Hu Anding in March 2018 by "Google Translation", and then opened an investigation of his crime of economic spies.After the case of the Hu Antian case was disclosed, the three US Federal Representatives went to believe in the director of the Ministry of Justice and asked to investigate the behavior of FBI agents.

According to the study of legal reviews of the legal journal, from 1997 to 2008, 17%of the people who were sued by the US government due to the Economic Spy Law; from 2009 to 2020, the Chinese defendant accounted forIncrease to 52%.The study found that about one -fifth of the Chinese or Asian defendants have never been identified as a crime of spy or other serious criminal charges.

to stay in the dilemma

Although the U.S. Department of Justice announced in February 2022, it was announced that new cases were traced in accordance with the "China Action Plan", some Chinese scholars were still disturbed. They were worried that with the deterioration of Sino -US relations, they would be like Qian Xuesen's generation.The United States is constantly suspected and excluded.

HuaThe Erjie Journal reports that most scholars interviewed are naturalized American citizens who have obtained lifelong faculty, and many people are experts in aerospace and biological fields.The Chinese government lists aerospace and biology as a strategic importance area, and these two areas are also closely examined under the "China Action Plan".

A professor of mechanical engineering in Mainland China said that after spending more than 20 years, he left a top American university and joined a university in Hong Kong.In addition to hoping to be closer to parents, it is also tired of the political environment in the United States.He said that because the political atmosphere of the United States became very tense, he no longer sought to cooperate with other scientists.

Report also quoted a doctoral student of an artificial intelligence major in the University of California, Berkeley, said that it is a dilemma between going to stay. When you go back to China, you will face the restrictions of speech and academic freedom.The government's target.

New Year comment article: Shouldn't out the Chinese talent out of the door

The United States establishes a country with talents, and has allowed this country with only 200 years of history to rise rapidly and become the world's number one power.

However, after the Bayeng government came to power, the visa restrictions on Chinese students and researchers did not stop.Chinese official media reported in May 2021 that more than 500 Chinese students have recently applied for US visas to be rejected, and most of them are studying science and engineering.They were refusted to be based on an administrative order signed by a Trump period to prohibit certain Chinese science and engineering graduates from entering the United States.

The New York Times published a comment article entitled that the United States should not have rejected Chinese scientific research talents from the door of this year pointed out that the United States' influence on China ’s influence has threatened the ability of the United States to attract top talents, which will damage the development of US scientific research.The prospects eventually crack down on the economic and national strength of the United States.

The article says that scholars themselves must improve their transparency, and universities must also take the lead in guiding scholars' attention to the potential risks and influences of their cooperation with foreign researchers, but it cannot prevent the United States from maintaining the United States as global learning science and technology, technology, technology,The status of the best place for engineering and mathematics, and attracting overseas graduates to stay in the United States.

Articles point out the core issue: China is now and will continue to be an important global participant. It is important to understand that Chinese internal dynamics is very important for Americans in various fields.However, the United States is facing a whole generation of people's little risk of knowing China.The number of American students studying in China has fallen from 2011 to 2012; the peak value of about 15,000 people from 2011 to 2012 has fallen; during the epidemic period, it has fallen to less than 400.

The opposition from scientific researchers to Chinese experts and the struggle between China and the United States and the struggle between China and the United States affects the academic circles, which leads to the obstruction of talent communication between the two countries and is not good for both China and the United States.Chinese issues in the United States can play a role in promoting two -track exchanges between the two countries, and the best scientific research is usually completed by the top across talents.When national security is generalized, artificial barriers can only lead to deepening differences and extremes.

Like the decoupling of economy and technology, there will be no real winners in the decoupling of talents. As the core part of the people's substantial exchanges, the impact of the decoupling is more serious.