After the export of semiconductor raw materials and 锗 in China, AXT, a US semiconductor wafer manufacturer, said that it will actively apply to China to obtain a license to purchase 镓 and 锗 products.

According to Reuters on Tuesday (July 4), AXT, headquartered in California and a manufacturing facility in China, saidMaterials to buy 以 and 锗 from China.

Axt CEO Morris Young said: "We are actively seeking the necessary permission and trying to minimize any potential interference to customers."(July 3) said that the exports of eight types of 镓 products and six types of products will be controlled from August 1 to protect national security and interests.It is used for semiconductor nitride and arsenidized compounds, and is used for electronic electronics and 5G base stations.、 Also used for infrared technology, fiber fiber cables and solar cells.80%of the world's 锗 and%are supplied by China.

AXT said that in the first quarter of this year, the arsenide and cymbal board products purchased from China were used in their consumption, automobiles, displays and industrial applications, and contributed about 4.3 million US dollars (5.8 million 5.8 million7600 S $ 7) income.

The United States NBC has reported that AXT has a close relationship with the China Electric Science Department of China Military Giants.Axt is reported to be a supplier of a semiconductor company under the China Electric Science and Technology Group, but it is not clear which one is.According to VOA, in 2021, AXT only hired 28 people at California headquarters, and nearly 1,400 people were hired in China.

Jefu Rui analysts said in a report that restrictions on 镓 and 锗 exports are the second and greater countermeasures in China in the U.S. -China Science and Technology War.Beijing had previously banned Chinese companies from buying products from the US storage chip manufacturer Micron.