(coastal defense comprehensive) The exacerbation of China -US games has caused the global supply chain to be dispersed, and Southeast Asian countries such as Vietnam have increasingly benefited from it.

Morgan Chase Southeast Asia and emerging market stock strategists Bartra said in an interview with Bloomberg TV that the slowdown in China's growth will affect the exports of Southeast Asian countries, but because the supply chain is transferring from China to Southeast Asia, the Southeast Asian countries have suffered from Southeast Asian countries.There will be some buffers.

JP Morgan Chase is optimistic about Vietnam and Indonesia, because these two countries have always ranked among foreign direct investment in attracting supply chain transfer and "Friend-Shoring" and "Nearshoring".

Vietnamese foreign direct investment projects reached 13.5%year -on -year last year

Foreign investors in Vietnam said that most foreign companies in China choose to decentralized supply chains and move out of production facilities for other markets out of China.Because Vietnam is close to China, it has become their first choice.

Vietnam official data shows that in 2022, Vietnam's foreign direct investment projects created a revenue of US $ 22.4 billion (about S $ 30.2 billion), an increase of 13.5%year -on -year.Although Vietnam's first five months of foreign direct investment has decreased slightly compared with the same period last year, investors, analysts and officials believe that investors are still interested in Vietnam.

However, the transfer of supply chain has also brought some challenges to Vietnam, especially infrastructure such as power supply needs to be upgraded, and the supply of skilled workers is becoming more and more tight, and bureaucracy.

Labor lack approval slowly and large -scale anti -corruption intensification delay

Vietnamese Minister of Finance, Hedfu, said in an interview with the Financial Times that Vietnam's infrastructure is "improving and becoming more modern", and emphasizes that cheap labor is a great attractiveness to investors."We have rich and cheap labor supply ... The labor force will remain cheap for a long time."

Nevertheless, some investors have noticed that the labor market in Vietnam has tightened.

Saurens, sales and marketing director of Deep C Industrial Park in northern Vietnam, said that Apple foundry and Pegatron hoped that there will be 20,000 employees at the end of next year, "how do they find so many workers? See they are willingInvesting in the construction of workers' dormitories, these workers are likely to come from areas outside the city. "

New investors complain that Vietnam's bureaucracy makes investment approval slow, and the approval of each program requires multiple signatures.The Vietnamese government has launched a large -scale anti -corruption operation today, which has more delay.

Hudfu said that anti -corruption operations have a small impact on enterprises."At present, it is to make the economy healthy and transparent, and protect the rights of citizens and enterprises."