On the 3rd), in a forum, the statement on Washington emphasized "setting up guardrails for Sino -US relations" pointed out that if the relationship between the two countries has gone on the wrong track, what is the use of the "guardrail"?He said that it is necessary to ensure that the relationship between the two countries is on the right path, and the "guardrail" can work, which requires both parties to have sufficient political will.

According to the Global Times, Cui Tiankai made the above statement at the 11th World Peace Forum hosted by Tsinghua University and the Chinese People's Foreign Affairs Society.He said that hoping that the direction of Sino -US relations in the future is to benefit the two countries and benefit the world. To achieve such a relationship, the two countries need a common political will, rather than "I win you and lose" and "you die and live".It is necessary to have consensus on the goal and path to achieve together.

Cui Tiankai said, now American colleagues often say that "guardrails" need to be kept.Because if the relationship between the two countries has gone on the wrong track, what is the use of this "guardrail"?

Cui Tiankai said that we must first ensure that the relationship between the two countries is on the right track, and the "guardrail" can work.This requires both parties to have enough political will and make enough efforts, "I hope we can make progress."

Cui Tiankai also said that he completely agreed that China and the United States could cooperate in many aspects.He recalled that "I was in Washington, and China and the United States had very pragmatic cooperation on Africa's Ebola issues. Medical staff of the military of the two countries had cooperated at those African countries.What about extending to other fields? "

He also said that when it was proposed in the“ Belt and Road ”initiative, when the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank was established, China had found the United States and hoped that the United States would be able to the same side.China cooperates."Unfortunately, the United States did not accept it at that time. If the United States accepted our proposal at that time, the two countries came together to do these things, and the situation may be very different."

Talking about the recent contact between China and the United States in recent contactsDuring the "restart", Cui Tiankai said that the recent high -level communication between the two countries was a good thing. The two sides sat down and talked about it.

But he said that he also noticed that Brinken returned to the United States after his visit to China, saying that the United States will continue to say what China does not like to hear and continue to do what China does not like.Cui Tiankai bluntly said, "In fact, we have never expected what the United States says and what to do will make China like it. We have never promised. We will say what the United States likes to listen and do what the United States likes to see."

He said that the key is that the two sides should find a mutually respectful way to deal with bilateral relations, and truly realize peaceful coexistence and win -win cooperation on the basis of mutual respect. This is not who wants to make who likes.

Cui Tiankai also talked about the prospects of NATO and its intention to expand to the Asia -Pacific region at the forum held on the day.He said that the Asia -Pacific region does not need NATO. "We do not welcome NATO in the Asia -Pacific. If NATO tries to enter the Asia -Pacific, it may mean its decline."