(Complex News in Kuala Lumpur) Video of a "Cabinet Minister Cabinet Entering the Airport Immigration Department" in Malaysia, on Friday (June 30), was widely reposted on social media, and caused controversy in the abuse of power of the minister.Minister of Tourism, Art and Culture, Zhang Qingxin acknowledged that the minister in the short film was himself, but emphasized that he entered the Kuala Lumpur International Airport Entry Department through the applied pipeline application pass through a legitimate pipeline to rescue a Chinese female tourist who was difficult to make and bribe by officials.

He also revealed that officials of Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) Immigration Bureau were the party who abused power and corruption, and said that Chinese women in the incident were called by immigration officials in the small black house by the immigration office.15 hours, during the period, was also asked about the "release fee" of about RM18,000 (about S $ 5,200).After learning the incident, he personally led the department officials to the airport to learn about the situation and rescued the woman smoothly.

According to the Star Daily, the woman is a private assistant of a senior personnel at the National Television of China. The two went to Malaysia together.Regarding the successful customs clearance, the woman was banned from entering the country, and the senior staff asked for help with the Malaysian Consulate General in Guangzhou.

According to Zhang Qingxin, after receiving the phone calls and understanding of the consulate, he contacted the Anti -Corruption Commission and went to Kuala Lumpur International Airport on Friday to rescue the woman.

Zhang Qingxin is also a member of the Parliament of the Sarawak's Civil Du Lulu District, as well as the chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party of the Sarawak Political Party Alliance.He pointed out that it was not the first to encounter such a thing after the discharge of foreigners."I call on the Ministry of the Interior and the Anti -Corruption to face up to the matter, and immediately start an investigation. We must take out the horses of the group.

Some people criticize Zhang Qingxin's hard breakthrough in the airport.A UMNO Youth League, Akma, condemned Zhang Qingxin to "override the law" and urged Prime Minister Anhua to take severe action, including leather his duties.

Malaysian tourism industry supports Zhang Qingxin

However, Malaysia's tourism industry supports Zhang Qingxin, praise him to reveal the disadvantages of the Immigration Bureau, but also solve the problem and improve the confidence of foreign tourists.

Malaysia Travel Agency Association, Malaysia International Tourism Development Association, Malaysia Business Hotel Association and Malaysian Guide Guide Council issued a statement on Saturday (July 1), thanks to Zhang Qingxin to come forward to maintain the image of MalaysThe tourism industry is just going out of the crisis of the crown disease.

They believe that as the Minister of Tourism, Zhang Qingxin personally went to the airport's entry department to care about the problems faced by foreign tourists, as well as the best to crack down on corruption, and should not be accused by it.

Minister of Transport Lu Zhaofu pointed out on Saturday that each minister has a VIP Pass to enter the airport's restricted area to perform official duties. Therefore, I believe that Zhang Qingxin was accused of running out of the airport.The Immigration Department and the Anti -Corruption Association said that Zhang Qingxin's allegations of the officials of the airport immigration bureau will conduct investigations.