U.S. media reports during the administration of the Trump administration's administrationThe U.S. government has tracked the listening facilities established by China Telecom giants Huawei and ZTE Correspondence employees entering and leaving China in Cuba.This shows that the above two Chinese telecommunications companies may participate in China's monitoring plan in Cuba.

According to the Wall Street Journal of the United States Wednesday (June 21), people familiar with the matter are quoted that the above intelligence has caused the Trump administration to suspect that the two Chinese telecommunications companies may have strengthened China's ability to monitor the United States from Cuba in Cuba's ability to monitor the United States.Playing the role.It is unclear whether the Biden government has conducted the same investigation.

People familiar with the matter said that although Huawei and ZTE did not engage in the manufacturing of monitoring tools, both companies have techniques to promote listening plans, such as servers and network devices that transmit data to China.

In this statement, Huawei said in a statement that Huawei refuted "unprecedented allegations", and the company "committed to abide by the applicable laws and regulations of our place of operation."ZTE did not respond to the request of the comment.

From the 8th of this month, China has set up news about the US electronic monitoring facilities in Cuba.China and Cuba refer to reports that have no basis and pure rumors, while US officials have pointed out that the reports are inaccurate.

But the Wall Street Journal still quoted U.S. officials on the 10th that China's spy activities in Cuba have begun in 2019, and the two governments have jointly operated four monitoring stations in the local area.This news caused concerns about the US Congress and demanded that the White House clarified to this.

The Chairman of the China House of Representatives Special Committee of the House of Representatives Gragel also questioned in a statement on Tuesday that Huawei and ZTE's business in Cuba may provide a cover for Chinese intelligence officials to and from Cuba, instead of formal formalVisiting is doubtful.

He believes that the strengthening of China's intelligence collection capabilities in Cuba is likely to be helped by China Telecom.Gragell has therefore called on the White House to clarify the control policy of exporting to US technology to China Telecom.