Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang appointment with US SecretaryBrinkee's call clarifies its position on Taiwan's issues, and calls on the United States to stop the interests of China's sovereign security development in the name of competition, take practical actions, and promote Sino -US relations to return to healthy and stable development track.

According to the news released by the official micro -signal "Logged Pacific" of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China on Wednesday (June 14), Qin Gang and Brinken said that since the beginning of the year, Sino -US relations have encountered new difficulties in new difficulties since the beginning of the year.And challenge, responsibility is clear."China always follows the mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, win -win cooperation principles proposed by President Xi Jinping."

Qin Gang clarified the strict positionRespect, stop interference in China's internal affairs, and stop harming the interests of China's sovereign security development in the name of competition.

Qin Gang emphasized that he hopes that the United States will take practical actions to implement the important consensus meeting of the two heads of state and the United States.Stability and stability, return to the track of healthy and stable development.

According to Agence France -Presse, Brinken issued a discussion on the communication channels that maintain open openness and the efforts of bilateral and global issues when talking with Qin Gang.

U.S. State Council spokesman Miller said in a statement on Wednesday that "Secretary of State discussed that maintaining the communication channels and managing Sino -US relations responsible to avoid misjudgment and conflict.Series bilateral and global issues. "

Miller also said that Brinken made it clear on the phone that the United States will continue to propose concerns of concerns and potential cooperation through diplomatic contact.

Many Western media reports since last week that Brins will visit China on Sunday (June 18) this Sunday (June 18), but the two countries have not confirmed the itinerary.

Brinken was originally scheduled to visit China in February this year, but because of the "balloon incident", it has been put on hold. Since then, Sino -US relations have turned sharply.It was not until May that Sino -US senior management has increased interaction to ease.It is expected that through Blint's visit to China, it can allow Sino -US relations to accelerate to restore normalization.