The U.S. government announced on Friday (June 9) that the sanction of Chinese laser printer manufacturers Nashida and Xinjiang Zhongtai Chemical Corporation were due to the suspected violation of Xinjiang human rights.

Comprehensive Reuters and Bloomberg reported that the US Department of Land and Security announced on Friday that Shang Narda Co., Ltd. and eight subsidiaries in Zhuhai and Xinjiang Zhongtai Chemical Co., Ltd. were included in exports.The list of controls, because these companies cooperate with the Xinjiang government to recruit, transport, transfer, hide, hide or receive forced labor involving Uyghur and other ethnic minorities. "

Robert Silvers, the deputy minister of the Ministry of Land and Safety in strategic, policies and plans, said that these law enforcement operations released a clear information to the importers of the US companies, that is, everyFamily companies must clearly understand their supply chain.

U.S. President Biden signed in December 2021 to prevent the Uighur Labor Law in June of the following year.The bill requires American companies to provide evidence that these products are not related to forced labor when importing Xinjiang products, otherwise they will be prohibited.

So far, there are 22 Chinese companies listed in the control list, including solar material manufacturers Xinjiang Daquan Energy Co., Ltd., Hesheng Silicon Industry (Shan Shan) Co., Ltd.Essence

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security pointed out that one year after the implementation of the bill, the official has been reported that it may involve imported products that are more than $ 1.3 billion (about S $ 1.747 billion).

The United States has accused the Chinese government for many years to implement forced labor and racial extinction in Xinjiang.To Xinjiang.