Among the two of Trump and Biden, do mainland China hope that who can come to power more?This issue is not only discussing the West, but the elites in Taiwan, China are also discussing.Although Chinese officials have long said that no matter who came to power, we have the same attitude, but they can't believe it.

In recent days, Liu Dehai, a well -known professor at the Political University of Taiwan, expressed a point of view: "At present, Trump's chances of coming to power are higher than Bayeng, and mainland China also hopes that Trump can come to power.It is obviously unfavorable, because if the mainland is willing to spend one trillion dollars (that is, one trillion dollars) to buy Taiwan, Trump will let Taiwan negotiate tables. "

The reason why all walks of life on the island now think that the probability of Trump has a greater probability is mainly related to the recent good momentum of Trump.Just two days ago, Trump held a large -scale fundraising event in Florida.He invited 100 guests to come, and everyone had the opportunity to eat at the table with him.Good guy, that's one night, he raised $ 50.5 million.This amount breaks the highest fundraising record of single political activities in American history.

Yes, this is Trump's "charm".Even the wealthy American merchant Musk we are familiar with recently announced the support of Trump. Musk said: "Now the United States needs a red wave!"

In this case, Taiwan's politicians and experts naturally have to consider it, and I should do it next.As for the situation of "if the mainland gives $ 1 trillion" mentioned by the well -known professor Liu Dehai, it is not the first time on the island.As early as a few years ago, this was rumored to be on the island.It was originally passed because the US politicians mentioned this and said: If the mainland is willing to give huge amounts of funds, the United States cannot accept Taiwan to "give" Taiwan in mainland China.

Everyone can see that it is impossible for mainland China to do this. Taiwan has always been part of China. How can it need to use this method to achieve the unity of the motherland?Why do these professors on the island think that Trump agrees to let cross -strait negotiations?This is mainly related to Trump's attitude towards Taiwan.

Relatively better than Biden, Trump is more concerned about the development of the American real economy. He does not care about the so -called "dominant position" of the United States in the world.For example, Trump once said: "If I come to power, the first thing is to lead the United States to withdraw from NATO!" Earlier, when a reporter asked Trump's attitude towards Taiwan, he said angrily: "TaiwanPeople snatched our chip business! "

It can be seen that Trump has no good opinion of Taiwan.In his opinion, once the existence of this hot potato allows the United States to pay too much, it can give up.At that time, he will inevitably agree to let Taiwan's negotiating table.When it comes to the negotiating table, it means that the United States has officially abandon Taiwan, and the DPP politicians have not recruited.

In summary, there are still a few months from the 2024 election in the United States. During this time, the island will inevitably be very nervous.At the same time, the Taiwan army will inevitably do some preparations.The latest news, the Taiwan Army recently plans to buy 25,000 new rifles from the United States to replace the original old -fashioned gun.In this section of the bones, the stage of the stage had this action, it seemed that it was really intended to "fully armed".We must not take it lightly.