The mainland committee of Taiwan shows that the two survivors will be repatriated to the mainland fishing vessel incident.

一艘中国大陆渔船上星期三(2月14On the day), when they were chased by the Taiwan sea patrol, , Death , the other two survivors were detained by the Golden Gate inspection team of the Marine Patrol Department of the Taiwan Marine Commission.The Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China said on Monday (19th) that the Fujian Quanzhou Red Cross will send someone to accompany their families to go to Golden Gate on Tuesday (20th), pick up two survivors and handle related aftermath.

Comprehensive Taiwan Lianhe Daily China Times and other reports, the Taiwan Strait Exchange Foundation (Sea Foundation) stated that after the mainland provides a list of family members and related personnel who plans to apply for afternoon in Kinmen, the Sea Foundation will be provided, and the Sea Foundation will be the sea base willImmediately, the travel agency was commissioned to send a concurrent certificate to the Golden Gate Service Station of the Immigration Department, and also sent a special person to Kinmen to assist.

The Taiwan MAC also said that for the family members of the unfortunate victims, the MAC actively coordinated the Maritime Committee, the Maritime Patrol and Sea Foundation, etc., to properly assist in handling related aftermath.In response to the two restricted land personnel, the competent authority has arranged to repatriate on Tuesday in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

It is understood that the Taiwan MAC has sent officials to Kinmen on Monday to wait for the reception of the families of fishermen, and the family members have been connected with the land personnel of Quanzhou to accompany the members of the Quanzhou Red Cross, Arrived at Kinmen on Tuesday to recognize the corpse and deal with the related matters related to the aftermath.

According to China CCTV News, the Quanzhou Red Cross and others sent people to accompany the family members of the crew members to the Jinmen on Tuesday morning. They will receive two survivors and handle related aftermath.

Joint News reported that the family members of the mainland fishing vessel incident were expected to arrive at the Golden Gate Water Top Pier at 10:20 am on Tuesday, near 11:00 to the Golden Gate Funeral Management Center, and to the Fuguodun Pier at 1:40 pm to recruit souls,And follow -up ceremony, worship, cremation and other ceremonies.It is expected to stay in Kinmen on Tuesday evening. After the dead body of the deceased enters the puppet on Wednesday morning, the family members leave from the water head terminal at 8:30 am.

Dongsen News Network quoted Guan Biling, chairman of the Taiwan Strait Committee on Tuesday, said that the two survivors of the mainland fishing vessel incident were well taken care of, and all search work has been completed.The prosecutor of the Taiwan prosecutors had completed two recovery of the two survivors and also agreed to repatriate them to the mainland.The two were allowed to change clothes and worship two dead on Monday.