(Taipei Comprehensive News) On the occasion of the low relations between the Taiwan Strait, the investment amount and proportion of Taiwanese businessmen went to mainland China in 2023 fell to 11.4%, a record low.

The Taiwan Government Mainland Committee on Saturday (February 17) posted a data map from the Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs's Investment Review Committee on the official Facebook, and posted that in recent years, the effectiveness of Taiwanese businessmen's deployment of global decentralization risks has achieved remarkable results.The decline in seizures has been reduced from 83.8%in 2010 to 11.4%in 2023.

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Economic Affairs Investment and Review Council, in recent years, Taiwanese businessmen have invested and accounted for a decline in the investment amount and proportion of the mainland. Last year, 328 investments in the mainland, totaling a total of 3.04 billion US dollars (about S $ 4.1 billion), a decrease of 39.8% compared with the same period of the previous year in the previous year., Accounted for 11.4%of the overall foreign investment.

As of last year, Taiwanese businessmen had invested 45,523 investments in the mainland, with an amount of 206.37 billion US dollars, accounting for 50.7%of the overall foreign investment.

According to the Taiwan China Times, the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Taiwan's 2022 foreign operating status survey showed that foreign companies have set up their headquarters in Taiwan for two consecutive years.In 2011, 25 foreign companies set up headquarters in Taiwan. During the 2020 epidemic, it rose to 36, but in 2021 to 31.44, and in 2022, it dropped slightly to 31.27.Affected by this, the number of employees in manufacturing has dropped to an average of 171 per person, which is low in six years.

Officials from the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Taiwan explained that the epidemic affects the addition of headquarters and employees, and now the economic state is restored. Next, foreign investment and employment are expected to warm up.However, Yin Qiming, a consultant to the Taiwan Electrical Industry Association, pointed out that in addition to the epidemic factors, Poor relationship and the decline in economic and trade proportion is also the main factor affecting foreign companies' headquarters in Taiwan.He said that the fundamental way to attract foreign merchants is still the improvement of cross -strait relations.