Zhu Guorong, president of the National Treasure Group of the Taiwan Funeral Service Company, fled after the crime last year, and was rumored to be arrested in mainland China.The Taiwan Criminal Bureau has checked the mainland as a matter of reference.

Comprehensive Taiwan Freedom Times and Wind Media reported on Sunday (February 18) that Zhu Guorong involved in a number of stock trading and inside trading cases, which appealed after being sentenced to prison.

According to the information controlled by the Taiwan police, Zhu Guorong absconded to the Philippines by boat.It is also reported that Zhu Guorong then went to Australia and the Pacific island country Vanuatu from the Philippines.

The Liberty Times quoted the recent emotional reports obtained by the Taiwan prosecutor's transfer unit, Zhu Guorong may have been to hide in mainland China.The rumor Zhu Guorong was arrested by the mainland public security, and the Taiwan Criminal Bureau checked the public security of the Criminal Affairs Bureau.