(Taipei Comprehensive News) The election of the Taiwan Legislative Yuan and Vice President of the Taiwan Legislative Yuan was held on February 1st. The candidates for the Kuomintang and the Democratic Progressive Party and Deputy President of the Democratic Progressive Party are expected to visit the people's group on the 29th to fight for support.Because the three parties' legislators were not more than half of the seats, the people with eight legislators became a key minority.

Comprehensive United Daily News, Zhongshi News Network, and Liberty reported that the Kuomintang has determined that the elected election of legislators Han Yu and legislator Jiang Qichen competed for the Legislative Yuan leader.Cai Qichang, deputy dean of the Legislative Yuan.

The people's party group issued an interview notice on the 28th that Han Jiang will visit the people's party group on the morning of the 29th.You Xizheng also stated on the 28th that when he was recommended by the DPP Legislative Yuan as a nominee of the Legislative Dean, he invited the deputy president's nominee to the party members.

The Taiwan Legislative Yuan has 113 seats, the Kuomintang has 52 seats, 51 Democratic Progressive Party, and 8 people's party.The first round of voting must be elected for more than half (that is, 57 seats). Otherwise, it will enter the second round of voting. At that time, it will be determined by a relatively large majority.

Blue and green are fighting for the support of the people.Huang Yangming, a Taiwanese media person, said that the people's party may be said to be Xiaolu or Little Blue in the next four years.Every bill and resolution may be performed. "

Huang Guochang, a elected election of the People's Party, said that the party chairman Ke Wenzhe had scheduled the time. On January 30, the members of the party group met and then held a press conference on January 31 to explain the position of the people's party.

Lianhe Daily quoted that the Kuomintang legislator said that the legislator must maintain neutrality, so South Korea ’s Yu and Jiang Qichen are purely polite to visit the people’ s party, and they will not promise any conditions proposed by the people.

The DPP Legislative Yuan party generally called Ke Jianming in an interview with Taiwan media on the 28th that the candidate of the deputy dean and the vice president usually visited the party group politely.He said that the Legislative Dean should hold a neutral attitude when negotiating and hosting the court, and there is no way to command the reform of the legislature of political offensive and defensive parties.