In the 2024 election of Taiwan, although the DPP presidential election Lai Qingde retained the ruling power of the civilian party, but the votes were less than half, and the third party of the Chao and Japan Party in the Legislative Yuan was less than half.Whether Lai Qingde's double government can form a Democratic Alliance with the Wild Party as expected, whether the future policy is promoted smoothly.The Legislative President will be re -elected on February 1st. The three parties of the court will form a blue and white or green and white -and -white combination.

The highly anticipated Taiwan President and legislators election results in 2024.Become a few presidents; the Kuomintang legislators in the wild jumped first, and the people's party broke out under the killing of the two major political parties, forming a situation where the three parties were not more than half in the Legislative Yuan.

The Taiwan Legislative Yuan has a total of 113 seats, and the DPP legislators will drop from 61 seats in 2020 to 51 seats in 2024; the Kuomintang has risen from 38 to 52 seats.Party membership.

Hong Qichang, the chairman of the former Sea Foundation, said in an interview with the United Morning Post: This election roughly established Taiwan's political ecology into two major.Unsatisfactory; the Kuomintang is also a formal victory; the people's party is a substantial victory, because its votes are mainly from young voters, and there is still room for growth in the future.Hong Qichang was the most important new trend leader in the Democratic Progressive Party.

In 2000, Chen Shui -bian, the Democratic Progressive Party, was elected as the president with a 39%vote and reached a rotation of the Taiwan party for the first time.EssenceA small government in Lai Qingde is to face a more complicated political ecology than Chen Shui -bian, which is imperative to solve the opposition party.

Lai Qingde has stated that he will be willing to work with the opposition party in the future. He will form a Democratic Alliance in accordance with the constitutional system, regardless of party faction, and talents. In the face of the new legislature structure, he must go to communication, negotiation, participation, and cooperation.

Wang Yeli, a professor at the Political Department of Taiwan University, said: From the perspective of the Democratic Progressive Party, it is the best to form a joint government with the opposition party, but if the actual political situation development is not easy to achieve the goal, I am afraid that they can only be forced to become a few minoritygovernment.

Taiwan's largest discussion on the New Sciences legislators on Tuesday (January 23) of the Kuomintang (January 23) showed unity.The third left of the first row is the candidate of the Legislative President South Korea Yu.(Provided by the Kuomintang)

According to Wang Ye's analysis, Lai Qingde certainly did not want to repeat Chen Shui -bian's doubles, but the party chairman Ke Wenzhe may not be willing to be tied with the DPP.Ke Wenzhe has stated that he will cooperate with different political parties as different cases, so as to improve his chips, and his supporting masses may not agree; the Kuomintang's consciousness is more opposed to the DPP, including major policies such as cross -strait relations, nuclear energy and other policy differencesMore, if the Democratic Progressive Party seeks alliance with the Kuomintang, it may be more difficult.

The Kuomintang legislators only have one more than the DPP. Even if they have a close position, there are 54 non -party legislators with a close position. There are three seats in the 57 seats more than half of the 57 seats, which is still fragile.

The DPP tries to crack the Kuomintang

The DPP has released resources and judicial means to win several Kuomintang legislators, and it does not even rule out further cracking the Kuomintang.The loose Kuomintang is firmly on the wall to clear the wild and prevent being digged from the wall with stricter party discipline.

Wang Yeli pointed out that Lai Qingde has mentioned that there is a policy communication platform to form a Democratic League. So far, it is unclear why the specific connotation is not clear.Chen Shui -bian also claimed to form the National Security Alliance during the period, hoping to pull the Kuomintang people over, and finally did not succeed.

He said: If the Democratic Alliance is just pulling some blue camps or non -party members to join the cabinet, not the formal agreement between political parties and political parties, this is definitely not a joint cabinet, but just obtained more than half of the Legislative Yuan in strategy.If the person who comes in is the so -called black gold or local faction background, is the DPP supporters willing to accept it?

Ke Wenzhe, presidential candidate for the party (eight right in the back row), has a voting of young people. Although it is defeated in this election, it is considered a substantial victory because its votes still have room for growth in the future.The picture shows Ke Wenzhe held a closet meeting in Taipei Rongxing Garden on January 21 to thank the voters.(Take from Ke Wenzhe Facebook)

When Lai Qingde accepted an exclusive interview with the World Magazine in 2014, he pointed out that the constitutional system was contradictory.He said: Taiwan constitutional government is an abnormal dual head system. The president has the right to have no responsibility. The Executive Yuan itself has no public opinion hellip; hellip; President who has public opinion cannot take the lead in doing things.Can't push.

Hong Qichang advocated that the opposition and the field should think about the constitutional amendment, and first changed the presidential election system to two rounds like France (referring to the election that could not be elected at one time, using two rounds of voting).In order to maintain political stability, he suggested that Lai Qingde should consider forming an alliance with the Kuomintang.I think there may be this idea in Lai Qingde's thinking, because only by constituting a stable governance alliance can it meet the voters' authorization.

For example, he said that Lai Qingde's campaign headquarters Yao Liming was born in the Blue Camp, and he was also the deputy commander of the Flash Red Shirt Army.As long as the leaders of the two major parties are willing to talk, and the leader must also talk to his supporters to persuade their supporters, it is not impossible.

He emphasized that Lai Qingde's possible eight -year term of eight years and mainland China leaders' official term overlap completely, and the reality of dealing with the other party cannot be avoided.Lai Qingde must think that how can both sides of the Taiwan Strait maintain the smooth operation of the constitutional structure of the Republic of China in the current situation of the peace of Taiwan, and it must maintain Taiwan's economic growth momentum.

After the general election in 2024, the political situation in Taiwan is involved in the interaction and interest considerations of three political parties. It is not that Lai Qingde's subjective will can be controlled. Any errors will cause Taiwan's political situation to have unexpected variables.

Legislative Yuan's leader renamed the three parties and collaboration and recruits each other

Taiwan's Legislative Yuan and Deputy Dean will be re -elected on February 1st, and the DPP (green), the largest party (blue) in the wild party (blue), and the critical party (white) of the wild party (white).President Lai Qingde announced on January 17 that he had withdrawn from the DPP's largest faction MDash; MDASH; new trend.

In the past, Ke Wenzhe, the chairman of the people who did not fall out of the new trend, responded in response that the new trend was only the largest domino in the DPP.This is still different.This conversation and Lai retreat triggered the imagination of Green and Baihe.

Some people in the Democratic Progressive Party advocate cooperation with the people.They believe that the Legislative Yuan has many bills, budget reviews, and personnel consent. If the DPP does not cooperate with the opposition party, the Legislative Yuan will only be caught in air.With 51 Democratic Progressive Party and eight seats, the 54 seats of Pan Blue (52 Kuomintang and two non -party members of the Kuomintang and the Kuomintang Party have the opportunity to win the leadership of the Legislative Yuan, and the negotiations will not be subject to the Kuomintang.

However, the resolute opposition believes that the DPP has been supporting the mayor of Taipei in the past, and has been sucking once. Ke Wenzhe has changed.The performance of Lan Baihe can even see that he has no integrity, not to mention that the people's party will have young votes. In the future, the DPP must be the enemy of the DPP.

The Taiwan Party ’s party’ s party was well supported by the young ethnic group. The party ’s party chairman Ke Wenzhe (next right) held a thank -you event after the election.(Provided by the party)

Shi Zhengfeng, a former professor at Donghua University, said that there is no eternal enemy or friend in politics.Although Lai Qingde announced the withdrawal from the new trend, in fact, there was no retreat. Only by not participating in operation. Lai Qingde made a ball to Ke Wenzhe, so that he had steps to cooperate with each other.

He believes that although the Kuomintang is the largest party, it is a fragile majority. The Kuomintang internal demand and dismissal party chairman Zhu Lilun. Under such internal and external problems, the DPP may crack the Kuomintang and attract the Kuomintang natives.The former blue and white combination broke the game, and he was probably unwilling to be blue and white.

Shi Zhengfeng said: If green and white cooperation will go (former president), the route that Li Denghui is looking forward to in the future. There are two local political parties competing. The cracked Kuomintang will eventually have a new party (advocating a unified small party) and marginalization.

Chen Shui -bian Chen Yashan, director of the legislator and current affairs commentator, pointed out that the DPP has various possibilities.Judging from the maximum pattern, what the Democratic Progressive Party wants most is the United Cabinet. The Kuomintang local factions are relatively easy to cooperate. This is not necessary to be subject to people. It is now trying to take this road, but it is not dare to say whether it is successful.

For example, although Chen Shui -bian was in the long time, because the Kuomintang was the princes politics and each had its own factions, the DPP occasionally digged the former legislator Cai Zhonghan and others of the Kuomintang.Cooperation and communication, some policies and personnel are roughly smooth.

Chen Yashan emphasized that the Democratic Progressive Party's biggest enemy is not the Kuomintang, but the People's Party, because the young votes of the people's party seriously affect the DPP. The Kuomintang cannot pull these young tickets.Before the election, how to deal with the people's party is the most important thing.

The legislator re -elected on February 1 is the first test of the three parties. The interaction with each other will make Lai Qingde, who will be president on May 20, to have more thoughts on organizing the cabinet.

New trend lonely bird Lai Qingde's cleanliness

Lai Qingde, who was elected in Taiwan on Tuesday (January 23), encouraged the Democratic Progressive Party's New Science Legislative Council to professionalism, and used his early years as the legislator to not be entertaining. He returned to the dormitory after get off work. Legislator reads more and listens to public opinion with more professional ability.

Because the Tsai Ing -wen government was completely in power for eight years, officials were not only arrogant, frequent disadvantages of corruption, and continuous peach -colored scandals, which became a heavy burden of Lai Qingde during the campaign.Lai Qingde's expression surprised the outside world.

Lai Qingde took over the Democratic Progressive Party's chairman in early 2023. The Case of Comrade's thesis in the party's comrades was remedied, and even through the strict standards, it was required that people involved in black gold were not allowed to participate in politics and quickly stop bleeding.After lean to the peak of power, Lai Qingde emphasized that the DPP is not perfect, but it must be the political party that can respond to public opinion, showing the determination to be incentive.

Lai Qingde has lost his childhood. His mother raised Lai Qingde and other six siblings and other sisters and sisters grew up. He worked hard and became a doctor. Later, he abandoned his medical politics.Elected by the president earlier this year, the son of the miners appeared on the new page of power.

Hong Qichang, a former chairman of the Sea Foundation, who served as a legislator in the early years, has worked with Lai Qingde.He told Lianhe Zaobao: Some part of his (Lai Qingde )'s Integrity was manifested in his stubbornness, and the stubbornness of a certain part also came from him that he did not follow the flow. He did not pursue fashion and attached great importance to his life connotation.

Positive, sincere, and self -care, a senior DPP person also described Lai Qingde's personality characteristics to this newspaper, but his selection of goodness and stubbornness, he did not know how to make me divert, and easily flowed into paranoia and special break.People, including the DPP legislator and current affairs commentator Guo Zhengliang, are worried that Lai Qingde's stubborn personality can easily make cross -strait relations more tense.

Although Lai Qingde has long been regarded as Chu Jun by the DPP's most important faction, Lai Qingde is different from the new trendy people and good social contact feelings. He is also a lonely bird in the new trend, and there are only a few decisions.

In 2019, he saw that the rise of the former mayor of Kaohsiung, South Korea, has endangered the DPP regime. He naively wants to bear the responsibility and challenge the current Tsai Ing -wen.New trend comrades also supported Tsai Ing -wen in order to take into account the maximum interests of the faction, and let Lai Qingde, who had successfully settled in politics, fell a lot. He has become more cautious since then.

The DPP regards Taiwan independence as the masterpiece of the gods, but the party must know that Taiwan independence is not feasible in the party. Only without handling the Taiwan independence party platform, it will go through the future resolution of Taiwan.Chen Shui -bian publicly said that Taiwan independence could not be done before he stepped down, but he could not do it. Qiu Yiren, a new trend, also said madly to engage in Taiwan independence.

Gu Kuanmin, the late Taiwanese independence, has therefore attached great importance to Lai Qingde, a Taiwan independence Jin Sun, and the unique person who disappointed the DPP has pinned the ideals of practicing constitutional and founding the country to Lai Qingde.

Lai Qingde once claimed to be a pragmatic Taiwan independent worker.However, Lai Qingde's campaign team has explained to the United Morning Post that the Taiwan independence party platform has long been an old age. Lai Qingde's claim is Taiwan's future resolution.

People who were unwilling to name also revealed to the Morning Post that Lai Qingde's staff had prepared a word for his Taiwan independence workers that year. Lai Qingde temporarily added a pragmatic word in front of this term.

This person pointed out that Lai Qingde was very clear about the political reality of both sides of the strait. The statement only reflects the current situation of Taiwan, and it will never cross the red line. Compared with the constitution of the Chinese Constitution and the representative of the representative of Japan, Xie Changting and others.How to change.

However, Lai Qingde had a clear banner in Taiwan in the past. If he wanted to wash away the mark of Taiwan ’s independence, he still had a specific proof.