(Taipei News) The inter -party co -chairman of the House of Representatives' "Congress of Congress Taiwan" visited Taiwan on Wednesday (January 24). When Taiwan was elected President Lai Qingde, he said when he visited the delegation on Thursday and said that he hoped that the United States would continue to support Taiwan to enrich self.Defense forces to jointly guard the peace, stability and prosperity of the Taiwan Straits and regions.

The two co-chairmen of the United States "Congress Taiwan", including Republican Republican members Mario Diaz-BALART and Democratic Representative AMI BERA, to visit Taiwan from Wednesday to Friday to visit Taiwan."Congress Taiwan connection" has visited Taiwan for the first time in recent years.

According to the official website of the Taiwan Government, Lai Qingde thanked the US government and Congress cross -party members to express congratulations to Taiwan as soon as possible after the election.He said that the two co -chairmen came to Taiwan at this critical moment to fully express the support of the United States for Taiwan's rock.

Lai Qingde said that Taiwan's strategic position is key. The stability of the Taiwan Strait is essential for regional and global peace and prosperity, and Taiwan also plays an indispensable role in the global key industry supply chain.

Lai Qingde said that he will unite the people of Taiwan, strengthen social toughness, continue to defend the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait, and look forward to further deepening cooperation with the United States with the support of the US Congress to further enhance the partnership between Taiwan and the United States.

Tsai Ing -wen in Taiwan also met with the delegation on Thursday.In her speech, she said that she was looking forward to the "Merragala and Taiwan Fast Dual Tax Disposal Act" can complete legislation as soon as possible to create a mutually beneficial economic exchange environment for Taiwan and the United States.Democratic camps create global prosperity.

Dimali said that the issue of the "Meitai Dual Tax Disposal Act" was believed to have good news soon.