Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun announced on Wednesday (January 24) at the Central Conference that the legislators of the party members of the party members will be elected on behalf of the Kuomintang on behalf of the Kuomintang on February 1.

According to the press release of the Kuomintang Cultural Propaganda Committee, Zhu Lilun said at the Central Conference on Wednesday that Han Jiang not only has both senior and strength, but also can reflect public opinion at any time.He emphasized that in this election, the Kuomintang must be "clear and innocent, real, and group entrance to the regiment." 54 members of the party group will be the same, becoming a unity and rapid response to public opinion in the wild party.

Zhu Lilun said that South Korea ’s Yu has served as the legislator since the second session and is the newly elected legislator. Jiang Qichen selected by the region and is an excellent former chairman.Show the new weather of the New Congress.

Zhu Lilun also said that the party group of South Korea ’s Yu and the Legislative Yuan has clearly expressed the claims and determinations of Congress reform. The Kuomintang also proposed five major reform plans on Tuesday (23rd).Fang's idea of ​​the reform of Congress.

He also pointed out that in the future, not only the election of the deputy dean, the Kuomintang, as the largest party of the Congress, represents the sustenance of most voters to them, and will continue to propose the public's concern for the reform of the Congress.I hope that the political parties of the country will pay attention to the people, and do not talk about the DPP's mouth in the past, and make a set of actuality, which can truly show public opinion.