The Taiwan Central Election Commission notified that more than 100 films involving miscalculus information involved in the election have been reported to the short video platform Tiktok. At present, half of them have been removed.

Comprehensive Taiwan Liberty Times and Newtalk News reports, Chen Chaojian, deputy chairman and spokesman of the Election Council, said on Monday (January 22) that the election will report to 105 Tiktok before and after the election.Fake messages, as of 10 am that day, Tiktok has been removed 54 and will continue to handle relevant cases.

The Chinese Election Association pointed out that the Presidential Vice Presidential Election Removal Law and the Public official election removal law has stipulated that the right to remove the right to remove after the procedure of the special intelligence deep pseudo audio and audio audiovisual process of candidates or candidates.The platform establishes a connection channel with the Election Association based on reasons such as fair election and their own community standards.

The Criminal Police Department of the Police Department of the Taiwan Ministry of the Interior said in an interview that the Criminal Bureau has established a connection window with Tiktok., Disposal information, etc.

The Chinese Election Association issued a press release on January 14th that the Taiwan and the legislators elected have completed the invoicing and voting operations on January 13, but spread some invoicing places on social media such as TiktokThe invoicing process is mostly only fragments or editing, and it is intended to choose a meeting to make votes.