Taiwan's new book of the Secretary -General of the National Security Council of Taiwan will hold a press conference on Friday (January 19).He mentioned in the book that after Cai Yingwen's administration, the road of cross -strait negotiations had been cut off, and the last hopes of peace and reunification hoped that the US -China negotiations were decided.

Comprehensive Taiwan Lianhe Daily and China News Network reported that Su Qi said in the book that since the start of the new era of the two countries in the US -China trade war, Beijing hopes to use strategic dialogueThe willingness to conflict has always been higher than Washington.

He pointed out that in the former President Trump as the main attack of Washington and Beijing, the United States and China did not interact; the current President Biden Earlier in November 2020, two weeks after the first victory in November 2020, Beijing passed through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Ministry of Foreign AffairsFormer Deputy Minister Fu Ying voted to the New York Times, throwing out the suggestions of the US -China negotiations, showing that there was hope for "old friend" Biden.

Su Qi said that several high -level confrontations in the United States and China have disappeared. At the same time, the American anti -Chinese eagle faction has not mercilessly launched a series of offensives to Beijing on multiple fronts such as economics, technology, finance, and diplomacy.EssenceHowever, mainland officials still forbearance, and never named Biden, only called Bayeon to "control the internal affairs" during the worship of the G20 summit in November 2022.

Su Qi pointed out that after the balloon incident in early 2023, US Secretary of State Brosky immediately announced the delayed scheduled visit to the middle of the interview, Biden personally ordered to shoot down the balloon, and Beijing cut off all communication channels with the United States.Chinese President Xi Jinping and the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs also publicly accused the United States of "bullying", and mainland Chinese media even criticized Biden for the first time.The frozen relationship between the two sides was slightly relaxed until Brinton visited China in June.

When talking about the current situation on both sides of the strait, Su Qi said that whether the two sides of the strait have embarked on the road of Wutong and all look at Beijing's choice.For Beijing, Wu Tong has always been a last resort, and the peaceful and unified options are more preferred.The most priority is to negotiate a unified plan with Taiwan, and the secondary negotiation with the United States has the future of Taiwan.

Su Qi reminded that since the two sides of the strait cannot be "dragged", if Taiwan does not want to see the "fight" of Wu Tong, there must be courage to face the "harmony" of cross -strait political dialogue.