The election of Taiwan is as soon as the election of Taiwan.After the announcement of the Turning Cross -Strait Cross -Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA), the 12 taxi industry's tariff reduction of taxi products, the Ministry of Commerce of the mainland announced on Tuesday (January 9) to announce that it was further adopting the suspension of ECFA's early harvest of agriculture and fishing, machinery, machinery, and machinery, and machinery, and machinery, machinery, machinery, machinery, machinery, machinery, machinery, and machinery, machinery, machinery, machinery, machinery, machinery, machinery, machinery, machinery, machinery, machinery, machinery, machinery, machinery, machinery, machinery, and machinery, and machinery, machinery, machinery, machinery, machinery, machinery, machinery, and machinery, and machinery, machinery, machinery, and machinery, and machinery.Settlement of tariffs such as car parts, textiles and other products.

According to a press release issued by the website of the Ministry of Commerce of Mainland China, a spokesman said that according to the Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council on December 21 last year, since January 1 this year, the mainland has been paired on the mainland.The 12 tax -based import products such as propylene and tidols, which are produced in Taiwan, suspended the tax rate for the application of the Cross -Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) Agreement, and implemented in accordance with the current relevant regulations.

The spokesman pointed out that since the announcement was released, the DPP has not taken any effective measures to cancel trade restrictions on the mainland. Instead, it has carried out political manipulation and attempted to plant stolen dumps and avoid responsibilities.At present, relevant departments are studying measures such as tariffs such as agriculture, fishing, automotive parts, textiles and other measures in accordance with the relevant terms of ECFA related terms and relevant policies and regulations.

The Ministry of Commerce of Mainland China said on the 15th of last month that Taiwan's trade restrictions on mainland China constituted a trade barrier. On the 21st of the same month, it was announced that it would stop applying the ECFA tariff to the petrochemical items such as propylene to the mainland.Reducing is deemed to be intended to affect the results of the election.

On the 27th of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Mainland China, if the DPP continued to adhere to Taiwan's unique position, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council supported the relevant departments to adopt further trade restrictions.