Senior varieties such as Musang King (Musang King) finally entered China for the first time last month as "fresh fruit".

Because the durian that was exported to China was urgently frozen by liquid nitrogen, the taste was poor, which was far less than that of fresh durian.After eating fresh fruit durian, I believe that Chinese durian enthusiasts will be difficult to satisfy frozen durian.

In China and New Malaysia, the durian vendors who are under the gold lacquer signature of the "Matshan King" can be seen everywhere, but sometimes spending the money of "Matshan King", they buy plausible fake goods.Many people will say that looking at the appearance characteristics of the fruit can confirm the authentic Cat Kings: the tail brown pentagram, the small ring of the fruit handle, the distance between the hypertrophic thorns, etc.But for most people, it is still difficult to distinguish the cats and mountain kings through these forms; sometimes even trained and experienced people will make mistakes.The most important thing is that the complexity of plant multi -gene interactions and the impact of environmental factors make this morphological marking extremely low.

Authentic Cat Mountain king is derived from the fruit tree of Tanah Merah, Jilan Dan Prefecture, Malaysia. At first, it was called Raja Kunyit (the king of ginger) in the cause of the flesh and the registered number

How to eliminate the "fake cats" in the international durian trading market, and the molecular labeling of deoxyrum ribonucleic acid (DNA) is one of the solutions.

In the past agricultural -related research, I used various DNA molecular labeling technology to identify or explore the genetic relationship between the varieties of animal and plant varieties.For example, at the request of the Malaysian Agricultural Bureau, we adopted the DNA mark called random amplification of multi -state (RAPD) to identify the tropical fruit Duku, Langsat, DOKONG, scientific name Lansium Domableum).Differences between products; in another weeds and rice projects, we use simple repeated sequences (SSR or microfatellar) and general genome single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) technology, as genetic diversity assessment and type identificationuse.

These DNA standard technology are used in agricultural variety verification or DNA fingerprint analysis, which have their own advantages and disadvantages.The advantages are mainly the reliability of DNA marks, but traditionally, the DNA label development process is longer and costly expensive, the process is time -consuming and laborious, and the expensive instruments and professional and technical personnel are tested. Generally, it takes several hours. The data is complicated after the data is released.Data analysis.This is not in line with business costs and benefits, so it is rarely used in actual agricultural testing.

At present, there is no DNA technology for identifying Catshan King variety on the market, but in fact, the Malaysian Agricultural Development Research Institute (MARDI) team is trying to develop a high -sensitivity, low cost, and easy to carry DNA biosensor, with a period of timeBe efficient, fast, and high -amount of Matshan King for identification and testing.

This technology uses plant chloroplast NADH genes, distinguish the cats and mountain kings and other varieties, and is used as a DNA probe to develop electrified biosensor according to this; due to the DNA probe on the Catshand King's target sample association and instrument,Can identify the authenticity of Matshan King.If this technology is based on dozens of major high -quality varieties such as Ma Taiyin and other countries (hundreds of different durian varieties worldwide), it is determined that the accuracy of more than 95%of the identification is expected to be mass -produced in mass production in use inMatshan King Detection and brand certification.

Another problem is that the durian grafting process often uses different varieties of trees, which leads to different performance of the cats of Matshan King; one of the technologies that can solve this problem are similar to fast antigen detection used in crown disease.Just find out the antigen that can identify the cats of Cat, as if people use the coronal virus detector, it is determined to be the Matshan King by detecting the specific tissue of durian.

There are two main basis for developing this technology. One is the sequencing of the Genome Genome of the Matshan King. This point of Singapore National University has been completed in 2017; the other is the data analysis of the protein group.In 2021, the University of Malaysia was committed to developing the extraction method of durian fruit protein to be used for protein group analysis.

These biotechnology will not only help protect the rights and consumers in the future, but also help farmers to avoid losses due to fakes during a large number of grafting and reproduction.

No matter which molecular technology, as long as the three major problems of the accuracy, low price and portability of detection, low price and portability, and set high standards in the world, these high -quality varieties such as Cat and Shanwang will inevitably be high -quality and standardized.Fresh fruit control and agricultural standardized certification, in terms of durian import and export trade, realize the status of high -level international brands.

Author is associate professor of molecular genetics