On August 27, the Binjiang Branch of the Hangzhou Public Security Bureau issued a police report saying that Dong Moumou (web name "iron head") and others were investigated in accordance with law for suspected extortion.At present, Dong Moumou and others have been criminal measures by public security organs in accordance with the law.

Netizens who often brush short videos should be no stranger to the name of "iron head".Since 2023, the Internet blogger has transformed into a "fighter fighter" and released a series of rights protection content, including the rectification of chaos in the seafood market and reporting the New Oriental's illegal supplementary classes, etc., which has aroused widespread concern.This "roaring counterfeit" method has also caused huge controversy while attracting traffic.

Some fans believe that the existence of the "iron head" and its team has cracked down on the black -hearted merchants and took a breath for the consumers who were harmed.Today, the "iron head" of the net celebrity has been filed for investigation, which means that some of his counterfeit behaviors have surpassed the category of rights to defend rights, and not only controversy in "violent violence", but the red line of the law over the lawEssence

According to the notification, the "Iron Head" gang threatened the black material and asked for the anchor with a goods to ask for hundreds of grams of gold, and promised to provide protection after delivery.This is a typical characteristic of "protection fees" for wealth of wealth.

Police reported a paper, and undoubtedly torn off the camouflage of its "righteous messenger": the original so -called fake rights protection, the surface is justice, but essentially an illegal business.The market order is ignored.

It is worth mentioning that before the transformation and fake bloggers, the "iron head" had many cases. He also blatantly exposed his own experience in the live broadcast, and the slowness of the law was astounding.He repeatedly violated the law, but he repeatedly taught and changed. He even shook the city online and worked out the extortion. This is a trample on social public order and good customs, and it is also a free provocation of the law.

The network is not outside the law.Now the "iron head" and its team members have been arrested, which means that the road to traffic monetization of "fake Internet celebrities" has ended, and at the same time, it is facing the serious judgment of law.This situation can be described as a blame, and it also sounded the alarm to the relevant bloggers.

In the past two years, counterfeit rights protection has almost become a popular track. On various video platforms, a large number of professional fake bloggers have emerged.In terms of revealing the black -hearted merchants and safeguarding consumer rights, some counterfeit bloggers have indeed contributed to it.However, some bloggers are radical to defend their rights, and even do not choose to solve the problem, but instead intensify social contradictions, disturb the market order, and seriously deviate from the original intention of fake fake.

As one of the legitimate ways of private privacy relief, as long as counterfeit rights and rights protection, as long as it is legally compliant, it should be encouraged and supported.However, walking on the edge of the law and treating the so -called counterfeiting as illegal wealthy money, we must adopt a zero tolerance attitude towards such illegal crimes, and the flags are strictly hit.

In addition, the video platform should also be aware that although the content of fake rights and rights protection attracts the attention, it will develop its development and even the name of the fake.In this regard, the platform should compact the main responsibility, strengthen the supervision and positive guidance of the Internet celebrity bloggers, strengthen the review of the content of the right to defend the rights of counterfeiting, cut off the chain of illegal monetization by counterfeiting, and actively maintain the clearness of the network space.