Japan's foreign policy is often criticized as just following the United States.Indeed, in the field of security guarantee, because of the United States and Japan alliances, in many cases, Japan needs to keep pace with the United States, but in addition to security, Japan has adopted different situations with different policies with the United States.For example, energy diplomacy, economic diplomacy, Asian diplomacy, etc.In addition, after the Iranian Revolution in the 1970s, Japan did not synchronize with the United States, but chose to maintain a friendly relationship with Iran.

In terms of Cambodia, Japan also retains different attitudes from the United States to play an important role in the peace process of Cambodia.China also has a deep understanding at this point. In the 1980s, when Japan and China were in the "honeymoon" period, surrounded by Cambodia issues, the confrontation between China and the Soviet Union and China and the United States was obvious.Essence

Today, Cambodia's economy has made rapid progress.Many people point out that there is China support behind it.Cambodia does not have a bad relationship with the United States, and developed countries led by the United States have not played a role as China in infrastructure construction in Cambodia.It is also difficult for Japan to implement support for large -scale infrastructure, but providing government development assistance through the Japanese International Unit (JICA) and other agencies, such as trying to clear the negative leftover left by civil war on landmines, and play a role in building peace.In 2022, a survey in Cambodia showed that 52%of people believed that "Japan is an important partner in Cambodia in the future."However, 71%of people answered "China is an important partner in the future."

In August 2023, Cambodia completed power alternately, and the new Prime Minister Hongma Nei took office.No major changes have occurred.Cambodia's military cooperation with China is still frequent, and Cambodia builds a naval military base and airport under the support of China.However, recently in the political regime alternation, foreign policies have changed a little.For example, in the UN resolutions after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Cambodia agreed with the US proposal and opposed Russia's behavior.In 2024, in the US policy on Cambodia, the United States can also see some positive signals.China also attaches great importance to Cambodia, and has just appointed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin as the ambassador to Cambodia.

In December 2023, Hongma Nai visited Japan to reach an agreement on the progress of cooperation in the security guarantee in the heads of the Prime Minister of Kishida; Cambodia also proposed to build a special zone for Japanese enterprises.In July 2024, the Japanese Foreign Minister Uenagawa Yoshiko visited Cambodia and put forward the "three new methods of cooperation", and Cambodia also expressed support.Social infrastructure, the connection of the ocean, and the composition of land mines that are compatible with the development stage, inherit the previous Japan's support for Cambodia and echo the pentagonal strategy of the new Prime Minister;Sustainable digital society construction, talent training, etc., including harbor construction, and so on.It can be seen that the cooperation between Japan and Cambodia is not predatory, but shows the attitude of being committed to solving the Cambodian subject.The two sides also agreed to clean up landmine cooperation in third countries outside Cambodia.

These proposals undoubtedly consider Chinese factors, which can be said to be in line with Japan's ability and Japanese characteristics.How the Cambodian side thinks of this new plan and what results the two countries can achieve, including the process of cooperation, will become the focus of attention of the two countries in the future.

The author is a professor at the University of Tokyo