The policies of dialects and Chinese in the end of the last century should be examined from this perspective.Even if the original intention was to break the fragmented Chinese community and build a more single Singaporean identity, the result was the loss of the dialect and the overall Chinese level.The change of language has also had an important impact on many other fields.

Professor Guo Zhenyu's Hongwen Singapore Chinese dialect: Where is the road?(Lianhe Zaobao August 15th, 16th Edition) Modern is very moved.This is not only a topic of linguistics, but also how intellectuals should interact with the government effectively; deeper, it is also related to the important level of Singapore's "Chinese" and national construction.Dialects and Chinese policies involved deeply. The teaching language of about 40 years ago was extremely fierce for teachers and students of Chinese schools, so that the dramaist Guo Baokun asked a sad question: "Is this world still?Have other main ethnic groups have done such a self -breaking tradition? "

Indeed, the effectiveness of the dialect policy discussed by Guo Baokun may be counterproductive. From the historical background, it is more likely to be the loss of Singapore's unique "Chinese nature".

The important category of "Chinese nature" in Singapore is not only a natural result formed by the history of long -term immigration, but also the product of politically deliberately shaped.From a historical point of view, early Chinese mainly came from South China and experienced a long process of localization.Combining the completely heterogeneous cultural environment in Southeast Asia and the openness of Singapore, the Chinese in Singapore are different from other Chinese.From the perspective of the cross -ethnic marriage of the locals, according to official statistics, the proportion of cross -ethnic marriage in 2022 reached 16.6%. In the first 10 years, it was generally between 15%and 18%.In terms of, you can see the uniqueness of the local Chinese.

From the early Singapore -born Chinese and new customers, to new immigrants in recent years, these groups are at different positions of the "Chinese nature" spectrum due to different depth of "localization".At the beginning of several generations of immigrants, even because even Chinese language could not be grasped, it was extremely polar, and new immigrants who had just citizen were obviously in the same pole.Coupled with many levels of complexity such as political identity and cultural identity, and the strong rise of economic and political influence in Greater China in the past few decades, Singapore's "Chinese nature" is in a dynamic scale of ever -changing.

In particular, the construction of Singapore's "Chinese nature" is also suitable for the local unified "national identity".Therefore, local officials have always emphasized "the particularity of Chinese Chinese", which is contradictory with the simple "Chinese nature".Just as the then Prime Minister Li Xianlong's speech in the National Day Mass Conference in August 2022, he emphasized the transition from "leaves" to "rooting".Discussing Singapore's "Chinese nature" is equally important to discuss its "non -Chinese nature".This characteristic itself comes from the Chinese nature of the New Malaysia to adapt to the local witch, India, Britain, and other foreign factors.Whether it is from daily life such as dressing, eating, or deeper in the economy, politics and other levels, Singapore's Chinese culture is constantly localized and "non -Chinese".

The Chinese in Singapore are the products of the South China coastal region in the regional immigration movement movement in Southeast Asia.The China Sea is a shaft, and South China and the Malay Islands have frequent crowds, culture, economic and trade connections.Chinese immigrants bring South China dialects, customs, religion and social organizations to Southeast Asia.These elements build the deep foundation of Singapore's "Chinese nature".Among them, the South China dialect has core power, and is characterized by dialects to build a network of grass -roots governance of the early Chinese society.This is why dialects will cause a series of reactions, and it will also weaken Singapore's unique Chinese characteristics.

Dialects are one of the "Singapore Chinese Nature" logo

The "Singapore Chinese Nature" demand from the official level shows quite complicated social and political requirements. Of course, this is also the only way to form a distinctive national country.From the beginning, as Li Guangyao, the founding Prime Minister Li Guangyao, pointed out modestly that the pioneers of the Chinese in Southeast Asia are mostly poor people at the bottom, and the young lady.The early Chinese culture in Singapore not only had characteristics of South China coastal, but also far from political centers, but also had the characteristics of unofficial, folk, secularization and commercialization.It is quite different from the elite culture of North China and the farming culture.

At the same time, before World War II, Singapore Chinese, the national identity was far away; and due to the full support of the Chinese Anti -Japanese War, it suffered a tragic massacre during the Japanese occupation period.This experience has become a potential pusher of the Singapore Independence Movement.The Chinese on the Malay Islands are increasingly aware that without their own countries, they cannot master their own destiny."Chinese nature" has become the positive force of constructing the Singapore nation.

But the reality background of multiple races, and the complexity of the surrounding international situation, makes the Singapore Chinese culture under the "English elite rule" of the local "English elite" low -key and delicate.On the one hand, as the culture of the main ethnic group, it should be valued, so that it can help the creation of national identity; but if the culture of the main ethnic group is too strong, it may be due to the single nature of the culture and the obstruction of the identity of other ethnic groups.Unrest.

Therefore, the dialect and Chinese policy at the end of the last century should be examined from this perspective.Even if the original intention was to break the fragmented Chinese community and build a more single Singaporean identity, the result was the loss of the dialect and the overall Chinese level.Since then, although due to the improvement of the global influence of mainland China, local officials have repeatedly encouraged the Chinese people to grasp Chinese as a potential business and economic competition advantage, but Chinese is increasingly replaced by English in local society.EssenceThe change of language has also had an important impact on many other fields.For example, Chinese Buddhism, which has a close binding relationship with Chinese language, has weakened rapidly with obvious trends.

In recent years, local circles have been striving for the important position of dialects in the Chinese community of Singapore.This is not just nostalgia, but because it is one of the "Singapore Chinese" symbols.

In addition, Singapore's unique "Chinese nature" lies in its opening and tolerance. This is not only a culture of the Malaysian Islands, but also a culture of all ethnic groups around the world.Together with other races in Singapore, they actively adapt to and integrate into a modern civilized society.While trying to retain their traditional culture, they also actively participate in the creation of Singaporean national identity.This dynamic balance makes Singapore's "Chinese nature" inheritance and vitality in the inheritance.

The author is a local literary and historical enthusiast and religious researcher