Outside of the distribution center of the Kabul of the United Nations World Food Program in Afghanistan, the child's face was filled with innocent smiles, and a naughty posture could not help but smile with them.

Due to continuous conflict and economic difficulties, the material conditions of Afghan children are very limited. There are no mobile phones, no toys, and even many basic daily necessities.However, they can find fun from simple objects, even if they are just a bucket or utensil.

Afghan child's carefreeness is more because of the unknown of complex reality.According to the United Nations Children's Foundation, 41%of children in Afghanistan were in a state of malnutrition before the age of five.In addition, more than half of children can complete basic education, and more than one -third of them need to participate in labor to help families maintain their livelihood.

Since being controlled by Taliban, Afghanistan's unemployment, short cash, and soaring prices have forced more people to face hunger, and 15.8 million Afghan people can't eat.In May this year, the northeast and northwestern regions of Afghanistan suffered a major flood, and more than 80,000 people were affected. The Food Department estimated that the situation in the next few months may deteriorate.

The Grain Department is the world's largest humanitarian organization. It is committed to fighting hunger, providing emergency food assistance, and cooperating with local communities to jointly improve nutritional conditions and enhance recovery.It provides assistance to 80 million people in about 80 countries each year, but due to a serious capital crisis, the Grain Department has to reduce the scale and scope of assistance since last year.