If all competitions can be the case, dividing men, women, and transgender groups can not only resolve disputes, but also maintain the fairness and justice of sports competitions.

If stimulants are an important factor in devouring the fairness and fairness of the Olympic Games, the transgender movement is eating the fairness and fairness of the Olympic Games, although transgender cases are not as wide as stimulants.

On August 9th, the Paris Olympic Boxing Project Women's 66 kg finals, Chinese player Yang Liu played against the strong Algerian Almanne Emanne Kelff.After three rounds of confrontation, Yangliu finally lost a silver medal with a total score of 0-5.However, Emannes fell into gender disputes and doubts again.Emannes did not pass the Gender test of the 2023 International Boxing Association. The chairman of the association said that Emanne had XY chromosomes.The International Boxing Association later said that Emannene was not female physiological, and the two gender test results were male XY chromosomes.

Physiological men and physiological women are inaccessible.This may be explained by cross -sex.Cross -sex is currently a trend in the world, that is, a person thinks what kind of gender is, regardless of the gender of biomedicine.This is considered a kind of justice to respect personal consciousness and will, and it is therefore a label that is given "political correctness".

However, when a transgender has a physiological advantage, and the women's confirmation with biology, the unfairness and injustice of the process and results are obvious.In the women's 66 kg boxing and 16th competition on August 1, Italian boxer Karini insisted only for 46 seconds.Emanne's first fist was knocked out of Carini's hand, and the second boxing hit her face.Carini said that the opponent's heavy punch could interrupt her nose ... For her own safety, she had to give up the game.Then she kneeling and crying, refusing to shake hands with Emanne, who was declared the winner.


, many people question whether the cross -gender participation in women's competition is fair and fair.Female writer JK · Rowling questioned the International Olympic Committee on social platform X: "Explain why you allow men to beat women in public to get fun? This is not sports."Entrepreneur Musk forwarded Carini's photos and essays on X: "Men do not belong to the women's movement."

Politics correct and science correct

Faced with doubts, the International Olympic Committee issued a statement: "All athletes participating in the 2024 Paris Olympic Games Boxing Competition are in line with the qualifications and participation regulations, and comply with all the applicable medical regulations formulated by the Paris 2024 boxing committee."Can't calm down the dispute.Therefore, the Chairman of the International Olympic Committee Bach pointed out on August 3 that the gender of athletes is based on the passport, and the current situation is "a woman participated in a competition between women."

The reply of Bach and the International Olympic Committee is obviously based on social gender and political correctness. However, between politics and science and correct facts, we must respect and convince the science correctness.Medical evidence and facts to judge a person's gender, not the gender displayed on the passport or the birth certificate.

In many countries, because people are not born without chromosomal examination, they only distinguish between sex according to the appearance of the genitals, and the family will raise and shape the child’s gender (gender) according to the gender.The boy of the XY chromosome is raised as a girl, and it is not until the child's adulthood will not find the real gender, such as infertility after marriage.At this time, some people want to change back to the true biological gender, and some people will be wrong, and they are not willing to change the social gender they have used to.This is a last resort, or a passive transgender.

In terms of Emanne's situation, the family has been a woman who cultivates and shapes it from an early age, so Emannes have been regarded as women from an early age.His father was forbidden to engage in boxing because Eman is a girl.

In addition to cultivating social gender that is opposite to the gender of biology due to the lack of obvious biology symbols in childhood, some people do not want to take care of biological factors because they believe that they belong to a certain gender.Although some people are XY chromosomes, they firmly believe that they are women for various reasons, so they require modification.This is also a kind of cross -gender, that is, active cross gender.In this regard, we should also respect such a choice, because a person has a reason to live in accordance with his own wishes and will.

However, if a person with XY chromosomes insists that he is a woman (whether or not you experience a variability surgery), and to participate in the movement of the women's project, you may violate another rigid and scientific fairness and justice, that is, men and the lawMen's competition, women and women games; otherwise, it is possible to win stronger strength than women because of physical physiological and faster speeds.Essence

International Swimming Federation is more scientific and fair

It is realizing this that the International Swimming Federation has adopted a compromise method to make the first change of whether the transgender (cross -gender) can participate in the competition.In 2022, the FIBA ​​announced that transgender people who prohibit the degeneration after the age of 12 or experienced the development of male adolescence at any stage participated in the women's competition.The Chairman of the International Swimming Federation Husein stated that the decision was to protect the rights and fairness of the athlete's competition.

The reason why 12 years old can be used as a cross -sex who can participate in the women's project competition is because men change women after adolescence, and they will also obtain various physiological advantages, such as strength and speed, because decisions and affect genderNot only chromosomes (genes), but also endocrine standards (gonad and sex hormones), bisexual genitals (internal and external genitals), gender psychological behavior and social standards.

What affects exercise performance is more important is sex hormones.In the various project records of the Tansea, the differences between men and women athletes are 10%to 18%; in the race project, this difference reaches 20%.This difference in men's and women's sports results is actually determined byrogens.Men's male hormones are five times more than women.If you have become degenerated after youth development, the male in the individual of men and women is more than women, which will cause unfair sports performance.

However, the current articles of association of the International Olympic Committee stipulates that as long as the testosterone (androgen) in serum of cross -gender female athletes is kept as less than 10 Nonol each year and exceeded one year, they can participate as female athletes.However, athletes have gained physical advantages due to their adolescent development, such as larger muscles, and will not be eliminated due to reducing testosterone.

For these reasons, the International Swimming Federation has made the regulations for prohibiting degeneration after 12 years of age, or the regulations for participating in women's competitions with adolescent development.The principle of justice.

A feasible approach to solve the fairness and justice of the Olympic Games Olympic Games is that cross -gender people can participate in any sports meeting, but they can list them separately as a large category, that is, cross -gender groups. All transgender people can participate in this oneAll kinds of competitions.In this way, there will be no huge controversy caused by a clear male and female project with a clear gender identification of biomedicine, and it can also ensure the relatively fair and fairness of competitive sports.

In this regard, the International Swimming Federation has planned to set up a "open" category in the future competition to allow players with inconsistent gender and sex at birth.Sebastianke, chairman of the World Athletics Federation, welcomes the decision of the International Swimming Federation, and hints that the World Field Federation may formulate similar regulations.

If all competitions can be used, dividing men, women, and transgender groups can not only resolve disputes, but also maintain the fairness and justice of sports competitions.

The author is Beijing scholar