Ukraine, which has been in the trend for a long time, actually launched a large -scale counterattack. It was driven straight into the Kurusk State on the Russian side of Russia and Ukraine, which made the world, especially the Russian faction.The border could not be kept, and the fire was burned to its own door. The myth of "Putin can protect Russia" was broken by the cold facts.China can no longer have too much fantasies about Russia's ultimate victory. It can no longer take Baoquan on this northern neighbor country, which is strong and strong. It must review the situation and adjust policies in a timely manner.

In August 2000, Putin, who had just received the "nuclear password box" that can destroy the world from Yeltsin, who had a fatigue and inadvertent love stack, took less than half a year when he took the presidential position and encountered a shocked library.The Errsk nuclear submarine sinking the accident.The "Iron Giant", which cost billions of rubles, eventually became a bunch of broken copper scrap iron, and 118 boats were spared.The newly appointed Putin's face was embarrassing for a while, and it was very embarrassing. Finally, he rely on the post of a senior officials in the army, and then successfully spent the crisis of trust at the beginning of his ruling.It can be said that this is the psychological shadow that Putin has lingered throughout his life!

After 24 years, the name became a nightmare of Putin again.On August 6, just as the Paris Olympics were in full swing, amazing news broke the front line of Russia.Ukraine, which has been in the trend for a long time, actually launched a large -scale counterattack. It was driven straight into the Kurusk State on the Russian side of Russia and Ukraine.The border cannot be kept, and the fire of war has been burned to its own door. The strong image of the "Putin Emperor" is damaged again. Following the myth of "1 hour and 22 minutes destroying Ukrainian military forces, capturing Ukraine capital Kiev, and catching Ze Lianski alive"The myth of "Putin can protect Russia" was once again broken by the cold facts.China can no longer have too much fantasies about Russia's ultimate victory. It can no longer take Baoquan on this northern neighbor country, which is strong and strong. It must review the situation and adjust policies in a timely manner.

On August 10, there was a theme film festival of "Memory and Future: A Century in Ukrainian Movies" in Beijing.The official Weibo and WeChat public account of the Ukraine Embassy in China all promoted this activity.In

This counterattack, Ukraine should have been prepared for a long time. F16 fighters that have never been shot down since their self -service have been put into Russia and Ukraine battlefields, it has already pressed Russia on the momentum, so that the Russian side is afraid.Now it is a counterattack of more than 10,000 people, burning the war of war towards the war.As the U.S. State Department spokesman said, the Russian and Ukraine War was almost 900 days before Russia finally remembered that Russia and Ukraine had a boundary.

Before, Russia publicly declared that its territory had no border, and the Russia -Ukraine, which was formed by the formation of historical, invaded the neighbor Ukraine, and now they have tasted such a taste.Ukraine is a typical "with its own way, still governing its body", and Russia is completely self -contained!It is ridiculous that Russia actually asked the international community to preside over "fairness" and condemn Ukraine's "aggression" behavior, which is really speechless!Could it be that you can break into the yard of others. Others still have a slap in hand but are wrong. Are you still wronged?

Putin can be in power for a long time. In addition to the huge energy dividend of the long -term rise in oil and natural gas prices, another important reason is that his iron wrist governs the country, especially the split forces in the frontiers such as Chechen, which maintains Russia's stabilityWith unification, ordinary Russian people regard him as the "protector" and "savior" of the country.Putin himself did not hide his worship of the historic strong people of Peter, Stalin, etc.For example, at the expense of huge sums of money, the Peter Great Nuclear Patrol Ship, which has made every effort to maintain a good condition, and once rumored that the nuclear reactor will explode, is to prevent this old ship with nearly 30 years from retiring;The Time was renamed Stalingrad, who was renamed Volgagler, to the original name.Even if repeated tossing, the economic cost of renaming is very high, it is not expected!

Since the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War in February 2022, Russia has repeatedly scratched the so -called "red line" of the war. It threatens that once breakthroughs are made, they will use nuclear weapons.In the end, helplessness can only be eaten by themselves, and let the world look at jokes again and again.Now that Ukraine has blown up the corner of the counterattack, the Russian side has evolved from "special military operations" to a "land -defense war."

If you can't stop bleeding in time, the dissatisfaction within Russia will rise, which will cause social turmoil.This is also an important reason why Putin publicly convened the government and the senior management of the army to discuss the countermeasures. One is to appease the domestic people, the other is to restore the personal image, and the third will take the opportunity to hit the military that performs poorly on the battlefield, especially the front line commandOfficials, it is estimated that someone will be responsible for this and become a "back pot man".

More than 80 years ago, the heroic Soviet Red Army and the Nazi German army launched the largest tank war in the Second World War in the Kurusk region and eventually won.But that was the Patriotic War of Justice, the anti -fascist war.The war that broke out in this area today was that the party who took the initiative to launch the war was beaten by the opponent's counterattack. A passive defensive battle, the two were unparalleled.Moreover, the Russian troops that even prisoners are going to make up are now no longer.

Putin has planned two followers on things related to Kurusk. "It's only three things", but I do n’t know if there will be a third time?After all, the natural gas pipelines that export to Europe have passed the border from Koursk.EssenceBefore that, Russia used the Zaparo Nuclear Power Station in Ukraine to "control" Ukraine, and now it is not good to fall on their heads.

(The author is Yunnan Teacher)