Some people think that democracy needs debate because the truth is becoming more and more clear, but this is not the case.Those countries or regions with very exciting debate in Congress are usually only sloppy in national governance.

In the TV debate held on June 27, US President Biden Bynden sold his old age.As a governor, master many first -hand materials, and Bayeng can be reasonable in the argument, and uses facts to refute his opponent. He has no choice but to be inadequate.Trump's aura is overwhelming.American media reported that Trump said a lot of words and lies, but this did not prevent him from highlighting his powerful image.

Biden had never recognized the old, but the debate clearly proved that he was old.Afterwards, his campaign camp explained that he had a cold on the same day, but such a defense did not help changing the universal impression of TV live broadcast. Therefore, the forces behind the Democratic Party camp had to be determined to be easy to be handsome.It can be said that this debate gave Bayon's personal efforts to draw a re -election, and at the same time created a favorable situation for Trump.It can be seen that the water war also has great lethality.

After the Democratic Party replaced Vice President Harris, it seemed to reverse the situation soon.If the polls are reliable, she not only restores Biden's previous slump, but also further overtakes Trump. The Trump campaign team in the hand in hand was also nervous.A debate was enough to cause the entire election to change, which is incredible.

Since the television debate between Kennedy and Nixon in 1960, the television debate of the presidential candidate (including the president and vice presidential candidate) seems to have become a established procedure (there are no debate in the middle of the three elections in the middle).Therefore, if there is nothing particularly changing, Harris seems to be able to confront Trump; her deputy choosing Waltz should also compete with the Republican Wanz.

The latest news is that the Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) confirmed on August 8 that Harris and Trump have determined to debate on ABC on September 10.Trump, who once refused to debate with the new campaign opponent Harris, even asked the two to conduct three debates, but the Harris's campaign team was still unsure.For Harris, if the debate will be held as scheduled, it will be her first television debate of her first trial crying.At present, I believe no one dares to assert the results of the debate.

The average of about 60 million viewers per game in the past, and the impact may not be underestimated.Although the media will judge the victory and defeat from the debate, some middle voters may also make different choices due to the "performance" of candidates.The TV debate is like a show, and the final victory depends on the candidate to leave the audience what impression of the audience.

In 1960, Kennedy and Nixon had tricked on TV.It is still an era of black and white TV, but the images spread on TV are like movies, which can affect the mood of the audience and affect people's perception.Nixon obviously lost its image.The TV camera is very strange. Some people are very photogenic, while some people are not photographed.Nixon did not have the same shot like Kennedy. It was reported that he had just moved his knee surgery and was discharged from the hospital at the time. His face seemed a little pale, and his appearance was not as young and handsome as Kennedy. As a result, the image was reduced after three debates, and Kennedy was a sudden emergence.

Whether a person has the ability to govern the country and can afford the heavy responsibility of governing the country, is determined by several debates, it is really ridiculous, but this is the reality of political parties in democratic politics.Candidates went to the masses of various places to give a speech, and a press conference accepted media torture.As a result, the victory is often a politician who can speak good and clever tongue, but we know that people who have no obstacles are not necessarily the talents of governing the country.

In any case, it is the basic condition to survive in the environment of party competition.Therefore, in the United States, many politicians are lawyers.The same is true of imitating the Philippines in the United States.In the United Kingdom, we can see the prime minister's argument in the questioning time of the Prime Minister, especially the Prime Minister's questioning time, especially the Prime Minister's questioning time.The answer is not good at governing the country.

Western politics pays attention to and attaches great importance to debate, which is one of the good culture of Westerners.In the English world, the media also plays an important role in politics.Like the presidential candidate debate, the major television stations are rushing to host, because this will definitely be able to get hot and traffic.Western TVs are also indispensable for other popular interviews and political plans.The same is true of the Taiwanese media ecosystem that imitates the United States. There are a lot of political theory programs. When they talk about each other, voters are split, dizzy, and finally choose one side that they have recognized, solidify their brains and political stances.In this way, it is difficult to consensus in various topics.

We can imagine that if such political ecology and media ecology are transplanted to Singapore, what will happen?Some people think that democracy needs debate, because the truth is more and more clear, but this is not the case.Those countries or regions with very exciting debate in Congress are usually only sloppy in national governance.In the past, there have been a college debate. No matter what topics, both sides of the front and back can be endless, and they seem to be straightforward. As a result, the judgment group decides to win and defeat according to some established scoring standards.As for the truth, it was probably confused during the debate.

The debate between political parties is basically the same. The main purpose is to fight for political scores and set up their opponents to death, rather than to distinguish between truth or facts.As a former president, as soon as he arrived in the election debate, he did not hesitate to say his words. What he said was often true and false; strangely, there would be so many voters listened to him and loyal to him.

Trump has a lawsuit this time, and he can still pass the level and defeat many old politicians in the Republican Party, and once again become a Republican presidential candidate. In our opinion, it is also incredible.Democracy in the United States is obviously ill, but no one seems to have the guts to tell the truth to voters.Conversely, almost all politicians are safeguarding their vested interests, trying to flickering voters, rather than seeking a strategies for governing the country.Elections every four years have enabled all politicians to operate short -term. After taking office, the president has to plan for re -election. Therefore, it does not matter that long -term policies are at all, and political parties rotate from time to time, and there is no such thing as policy continuity.

If Singapore also copys this set, how the consequences are self -evident.Because, we are just a small city -state with a population of more than 5 million, which is equivalent to a medium -sized city in a large country.However, because the system left over the United Kingdom is implemented, it is inevitable to face the reality of political party politics.That is to say, the governor not only must have the talents of governing the country, but also have superb debates. It is not enough to have administrative ability alone.At that time, if the founding of the founding Prime Minister, Li Guangyao, was not a top debate, and how can he convince political opponents in the country and drive the people, and can fight with Western politicians and the media abroad and take them over to them?

The Singapore Parliament has a long time when the DAP is the leading situation. There is no opposition party in the Congress, so it cannot see political debate.The situation has changed since the Workers 'Party broke this situation since the Workers' Party broke this situation in the 1980s.Today, there are 10 opposition members and two non -alignment members of the opposition party. It is not surprising that political debate often appears.Recently, there have been two consecutive examples: Yingkang Insurance proposes to sell equity and division of the constituency.

The gradual frequency of political debate means that the minister has to spend more time and spirit to deal with and deal with the offensive and defensive battles formed by the difficulties formed by the objeine and public opinion (especially social media).This also requires that the Prime Minister and his cabinet members must have superb talents.

The author is a former journalist, a former member of the DAP Congress