Source: China News Agency

The Hong Kong Financial Administration (hereinafter referred to as the "Financial Management Bureau") announced on the 13th that the launch of a new generation of artificial intelligence (Gena.i.) sandbox to promote the application of artificial intelligence in the financial industry.

On the same day, the HKMA, Hong Kong Digital Port Management Co., Ltd. and the Hong Kong Fintech Association co -sponsored the "Finetech2 -Entering Artificial Intelligence Universe" forum, focusing on the huge potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in changing the financial industry, attracting it fromMore than 300 professionals in the fields of banks, securities, insurance and technology participated.

During the event, the HKMA announced the launch of a new Gena.i. sandbox, and through the cooperation with the industry, referring to the experience of Gena.i. sandbox, sharing good practices, and ensuring that there are related and appropriate supervision guidelines, To cooperate with the latest development.

Yu Weiwen, president of the HKMA, said that the new Gena.i. Sand Box is a breakthrough measure to promote the responsibilities of the banking industry.The sandbox will assist banks to test various Gena.i. innovative cases in the controlled framework, and provide the required technical support and targeted regulatory opinions.

The HKMA pointed out that in order to cope with the future transformation, the HKMA is promoting the responsible innovation and development of talent training and GENA.I., including the recent training courses, focusing on studying the actual strategies of the application of the financial industry, attracting more than 120Famous financial professionals participated.The HKMA is also studying the latest international development cases related to AI and will share a good approach to encourage applications.