Source: China News Agency

Reporter: Ouyang Kaiyu

When the British Prime Minister Stano ruling in the full moon, the primary task he faced was "ensuring that everyone on the street can be safe."

Stammer hosted an emergency meeting of "Cobra" at Tangning Street on August 5.The topic focuses on anti -immigrant protests and riots across the United Kingdom, and relevant agencies have discussed countermeasures to deal with violence and riots.

The COBRA Emergency Planning Committee is the abbreviation of the "Cabinet Office in the Course's Office". It is composed of members of the British cabinet and the head of the military and police. It is responsible for handling special major events related to national security.In the past few years, the British government held a "Cobra" meeting during the period of the crown disease and after the severe flood in England.

Stana said that the emergency meeting and the participating parties have agreed to take a number of actions, including the establishment of a "Standing Police Force" composed of professional staff to cope with the largest scale that has occurred in the UK over the United Kingdom in this 13 years.riot.

The last large -scale protest broke out in the UK in 2011. At that time, a black man in London was shot shot by a policeman and thousands of people came to the streets to protest.At that time, Stammer served as chief prosecutor of the Royal Procuratorate.

Faced with the continuous violence, 61 -year -old Stammer's identity is already the head of the British government.The Labor Party led by his leader won a victory in the British election last month, and the conservative party's 14 -year ruling announcement ended.

On July 5th, after the British election, Stammer met with King Charles III in Buckingham Palace and was appointed by the king to become the new British Prime Minister and was responsible for forming a pavilion.Stammore appeared for the first time in Tangning Street, vowing to lead the United Kingdom to complete the mission of national rejuvenation.

Over the past month, the new British government has carried out a series of intensive operations at the level of internal affairs and diplomacy. It has announced the reform plan to promote economic growth, abolition the "Luron Da Plan", and regain the "pro -Europe" route for diplomacy.All show changes.

From the perspective of polls, Starmore's support rate is still rising after the Conservative Party moved out of 10 Tangning Street.In mid -July, the British investigation agency announced that about 40%of voters have a good opinion of the new leader and 6 percentage points higher than the last week of the campaign.Observer believes that these data show that Stammer is in the "honeymoon period" in administration, and the British expect his government to make things better.

However, while actively changing, there is also a kind of concern to shrouded the Labor Party's ruling layer.Considering that today's public services are "shrinking", prisoners are overcrowded, and the British National Medical Service System (NHS) has a heavy burden and insufficient manpower.It is necessary to consider how to reverse the situation before the public emotions deteriorate again.

When the new leadership of the British government governed the "full moon", a murder ignited the protesters' emotions.On July 29, a knife attack occurred in Nangang, northwest of England.According to Reuters, false information that quickly spread on social media said that the knife attacker was an radical Muslim immigrant, and hundreds of anti -immigrant protesters were involved in urban riots.

Although the British police have stated that the 17 -year -old suspect Axel Ruda Kubana was born in the UK, the protests of the anti -immigrant demonstrators continued and evolved into smashing, arson and robbery.Last weekend, the largest riots in the 13 years of many cities in the UK have erupted in 13 years. Herk, Liverpool, Briste, Manchester, Stock and Bellste in the Peltort River, and Bellste have suffered different sizes., Assets were damaged.

For recent violence, the new British government has always showed a tough attitude.Stammer condemned the relevant violence and said that the protesters "used" social sorrow and emotion to create riots.The government he led urgently launched the "National Violence Riorm Prevention Plan", bringing together police forces from all over the country to stop demonstrations.

The British Internal Affairs Minister Ivit Curpper warned that after the extremely right -wing thugs in all parts of the country burned the hotel, attacked the police, and brought confusion to the British streets, the victim would face "liquidation".At present, more than 420 people have been arrested. As the official search and video is found to find out the identity of all personnel involved, more people will be arrested next.

According to British media reports, the government's tough response to violence was supported by the public.However, residents of cities and towns in various places have also felt that the public security conditions have deteriorated significantly in the near future, and the witnesses of many riots are still "lingering."

Analysts pointed out that the reason behind the riots is complicated, which not only reflects the problem in a single field.In addition to the imminent riots, the official will not be able to eliminate the dissatisfaction of British society if the official cannot surrender the issues such as economic, national medical service systems and immigrants.

As Patrick Dimmond, a policy consultant in Tangning Street, pointed out that after the years of crisis under the conservative party, the Labor Party led by Stammer only gives long -term trust in the public.