As the saying goes, listen to its words.Before Ukraine and the West are about to launch a new round of counterattack against Russia, and forcing Putin to conduct peace talks, China will undoubtedly face the right and wrong choice.

Some time ago, the EU and NATO leadership was busy with the election, and the US presidential election pattern seemed to be confusing.Several offensives have been launched at the front line of Ukraine, trying to influence and leverage the overall situation, and generate some favorable trends to Russia.

But now Putin's offensive has failed, and the Russian and Ukraine War returned to the stalemate; the new leadership of the European Union and NATO has arisen, defending European security, opposing and fighting against Russian invasion.As a result, the pattern has changed from the original elderly politics to a strong challenge for the political forces of the new generation to the elderly.Great enterprising means that all current thinking and practices will continue.

In Europe, the European Union continues to increase its support for Ukraine, at the same time watching the trend of the US election, and launched an unprecedented trade war with China.Regarding the root cause of the Sino -European trade war, EU officials have clearly stated that trade issues themselves can be negotiated and negotiated. However, China ’s secretly helping Russia's behavior is never acceptable, ensuring that European security is the fundamental bottom line of all issues.To this end, it is impossible for the European Union to vigorously promote the China -Europe trade at this critical moment, because it is equivalent to allowing and encouraging China to help Russia more.

Here in the United States, after Biden's retreat, he feels relaxed, but can focus on solving some difficult hot issues at home and abroad.For the United States and the West, the current main problems in the world are challenging from Russia, China and Iran, and the situation on the Korean Peninsula is also worthy of attention.Biden's strategy is to stabilize China in the direction of the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea during the election years, and stabilize Iran in the Middle East. It warns North Korea that it must not act, concentrate on dealing with Putin, so that Putin's plot in Ukraine has failed completely.Especially after the election now, Biden may strive for a key breakthrough in the Ukrainian issue in a short time.This can not only create a potential for Harris and the Democratic Party, or leave historical and political heritage and achievements for himself.

In other words, in the next 100 days, the Ukrainian situation may change significantly.Considering the current stalemate status of the Russian and Ukraine situation, Ukraine is receiving more weapon assistance and recruitment training. In Russia, the war launched by Putin has actually entered the "garbage time", and there is no possibility of winning at all.EssenceThe key issue is how to end this sinful war as soon as possible.

Therefore, political negotiations solve the agenda more frequently.Taken together, there are three main types of negotiation solutions on the surface of the water: Ukraine solutions, Russian solutions, and third -party suggestions.Ukraine's position is to adhere to sovereignty and not to compromise. Russia must withdraw troops and return to the Russian and Ukraine border line in 1991. The two sides can take a break of peace.If you do n’t go on the national territory, you are required to stop fire on the spot, trying to legalize the plunder of aggression.The proposal of third parties advocates that it is mainly from some influential unofficial organizations and people in the United States, the United Kingdom and the European Union. It is hoped that both Russia and Ukraine will return the ceasefire and rest war on the premise of Russia to return the actual territorial control line of February 2022, and and and and and.The liability for war compensation from Russia is eliminated, and it is also forgiven to investigate Putin's liability for war.The suggestions of third parties seem to be relatively compromised, but in fact, the sovereignty interests of Ukraine on the Crimean Peninsula and Untonton Bas are still difficult to accept by Ukraine.

Biden government may propose an upgraded version solution

On the basis of the third -party proposal, the Bayeng government now has the opportunity to propose an upgraded version of the solution: that is, Russia withdraws troops and returns to the actual territorial control line before February 2022, the Crimean Peninsula and UntontonbaThe Sri Lanka is temporarily neutral in the United Nations for 50 years.Ukraine can join the European Union, but it is suspended to join NATO.Once the ceasefire is achieved, it can be removed from Russia's war compensation liability and pardoned Putin's own liability for war.

This upgraded version plan is actually shelving and avoiding some of the most difficult and complicated sovereignty and safety disputes. Relevant issues leave the stimulation of time and the wisdom of future generations to solve it. Now the primary goal is to achieve the ceasefire and rest, restore peace, and unfoldReconstruction after the war.There are also room for Russia and Putin, and there are steps to go down, so that they will not be desperate for saving their faces and take risks.

To truly allow this plan to be recognized by relevant parties, Ukraine should not be the main problems and obstacles, and the acceptance of Russia and Putin is the key.From the perspective of global, let Putin fully realize that the war he launched has entered the garbage time; he expects that the international appeasement forces will come to the stage to help for a chance to ask for a chance, and even China, Iran and North Korea may be forced to be forced to be forced to be forced to be forcedBroken Russia's life line to Russia, Russia hit it again.In this way, it is possible to let Putin sit at the negotiating table, carefully consider and accept the upgraded version of the peace plan.

This also means that before Ukraine truly reproduce the dawn of peace, it may have to pass two or three rounds of large -scale and decisive battles to completely dispel Putin's fantasy and delusion. FinallyOn the end, end this Russian and Ukraine War.

Regarding China, tensions in the South China Sea, Taiwan Strait, China -India Border, China -Japan East China Sea and other directions have also appeared signs of relaxation.However, in the direction of Ukraine, in addition to the high tariffs on China that the European Union began to implement, U.S. Secretary of State Broskens once again proposed to the Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi's talks with Chinese foreign ministers Wang Yi.warn.The further sanctions of the Biden government may be coming one after another.

Two -pronged approach, launching a counterattack against the Russian army in front, and cutting off from the rear to help it ended the Russian and Ukraine War as soon as possible, forced Putin to return to the negotiating table, and eventually accepted the necessary key conditions for the upgraded version of the peace plan.China is currently trying to show to the outside world that he is a neutral role in the Russia and Ukraine War.After the Third Plenary Session, China also immediately made a posture of inviting Ukraine Foreign Ministers to visit China, but this obviously still belongs to the category of movement.

Also see how China do it.Recently, some Russia and the Chinese Air Force remote bomber jointly patrolled the formation, and entered the North American Air identification zone unprecedentedly, triggering the U.S. and Canadian Air Force fighter aircraft.As the saying goes, listen to its words.Before Ukraine and the West are about to launch a new round of counterattack against Russia, and forcing Putin to conduct peace talks, China will undoubtedly face the right and wrong choice.

It is the mainstream desire of the international community and the urgent expectations of the people of the world in the international community and the harmonious tranquility of the world.The time of trial, from the good as the current, the person who knows the current affairs Fang Junjie.

The author is an expert in international cultural strategy research and consultation in the United States