Chinese people imagine Singapore in their own context, and sometimes they seem to forget that this is a foreign country.It is easy to misunderstand the national nature of the country with the ideas of foreigners.Misunderstanding or understanding, sometimes it has nothing to do with time, and it is more that we can put our feet on the shoes of others.

Observing the national nature of a country from a foreigner's perspective, which is probably completely different from that of the country.

For example, in the eyes of well -known Japanese managers, Japan is a low -desire society, and more and more people choose to choose a low -end life without getting married, no children, consumption, and buying a house.But to a foreigner's view, Japan is simply a place of material desire!Japan's consumer goods are excessively exquisitely packaged; Japan's food quality is high and the production is carefully produced; Japan is known to the world in terms of sound dogs and horses.

In contrast, instead of Japan is a low -desire society, Singapore is a society without desire.The desire of Singaporeans is less than one -half of the Japanese.There is almost no desire for Singapore's natives to have money or money.

A friend who has lived in Singapore for 20 years said that the first thing she had learned from China to Singapore was frugal.When she first came to Singapore, she participated in the host of the event. After the dinner, the last bite of Babao rice was left. The rich man who invited the guests did not forget to ask the waiter a small packing box to take this bite of Babao rice away."Billionaires", she said, "I was really stunned at the time."

The names of my friends from Hong Kong are gorgeous from head to toe, and the Singaporeans have t -shirts and human characters in the four seasons. The boss who sells shoes is a bit sad to do business here.It is said that when you pick up children in international schools, you can see which parents are from China and Hong Kong, China.Once I participated in a business association, a elder brother with a single family donated a dozen tables of the dinner that day. During the event, he saw his daughter Pearl Guangbao wearing a lot of jewelry.It was shiny, and this elder brother did not spend a lot of money on jewelry at all.

I rent a house in Singapore and show the videos of the house for Chinese friends. Their first sentence is that the decoration is so simple and the furniture is so simple.It's so simple.

The desire is erased like four seasons

Singaporeans are not stressed in life, they are not so much scams, and their desire to promotion in the workplace is not strong; some people describe that Chinese work is a career (career) to pursue themselves, and Singaporeans just do a job (job).Treating business, Singaporeans can do it, and they are not in a hurry, making many Chinese people anxious.

Therefore, the desire and the social and economic development cycle is not necessarily connected.There is no desire to spend without money, there is really no desire if you have no desire.In Singapore, desire is naturally erased like four seasons, only simple summer.

However, this kind of desire may be misunderstood as stingy in the eyes of the Chinese.

Old Money invited me to dinner and picked a good place, it turned out to be his own restaurant.The five of us asked four dishes and a fried rice. They were very ordinary fried dishes. There must be no one in China to entertain guests like this.Yes, many Chinese people will say that the Singaporeans are "stingy". I want to come now is the consumption habits of the Singaporeans. Even in the bottom diet of Maslow's demand, there is no desire.

In contrast, the desire of the Chinese is really strong.For example, asking colleagues, why do I think Hong Kong is better than Singapore? The reason given is that there are many delicious things in Hong Kong and more fun places.This is naked desire.Asked what Singaporeans do on weekends and what entertainment, they sometimes stunned for a while, and seemed to be wanting to accompany children.

It's not intentional, it's too bad in Chinese

Another misunderstanding of Singaporeans is to think they deliberately don't speak Chinese.When I first came to Singapore, I used to think that as long as the Singaporeans can speak Chinese, they can use Chinese to talk to them in Chinese.Later, it was found that the Chinese level of many Singaporeans may be limited to daily communication and cannot communicate business.But they would not interrupt our Chinese, so after a meeting, I thought Singaporeans understood it, but it was not necessarily the case.So when I first came, my meeting was often wasting time.However, some Chinese who come to Singapore in the short term may misunderstand this.A Chinese university teacher I knew said when talking about the experience of academic exchanges in Singapore: "The academic circle of Po County, the island country is serious."I am high -level" I hurriedly explained to him: "They are really Chinese too bad." Now I talk to Singaporeans about business, and I will ask if I need English.

I have not experienced Chinese education in Singapore, but I feel that the Chinese Singaporeans who are good around them are not learned in school, but they continue to do business practice with Chinese people in practice.

Once the head of a community organization in Singapore, the person in charge of the community and chatted coffee and chatted. The place she chose turned out to be the Zhuoer bookstore mainly selling Chinese books.I asked her curiously what Chinese documents had read. The name she said was Ba Jin's home, and I heard that it was a very old -fashioned novel.I also have an acquaintance who came to Singapore from China since elementary school and served military service. I usually speak Chinese with my parents at home.However, his Chinese level is not very stable to the Chinese people: sometimes he can quote large -scale ancient poems, but this reference is often wrong, which makes people laugh.But my feelings are that they are taking care of my habit of using Chinese, and strive to approach my expression in the exchange.

Chinese people imagine Singapore in their own context, and sometimes they seem to forget that this is a foreign country.This may mean that we are not seen with Singapore.But with the thinking of foreigners to figure out the national nature of this country, it is easy to cause misunderstandings.Misunderstanding or understanding, sometimes it has nothing to do with time, and it is more that we can put our feet on the shoes of others.

On the other hand, I have been wondering whether Singaporeans will have any misunderstandings about the Chinese, but Singaporeans seem to see the differences between different ethnic groups. I have not seen them like Chinese or Americans.Love in this way to express this opinion.The Singaporean's no opinion is a powerful power, as if the water culture of BE WATER talked about by Bruce Lee finally wrapped in various misunderstandings to reconcile.

The author is the person in charge of the local asset management company