If the Jews want to survive on the land of the Middle East, absolute strength is of course needed, otherwise it is difficult to stand on the heel of Muslims' hostility and look around.The hatred will never bring peace.

The Jews have been known as the smartest nation in the world. The list of Nobel Prize winners and the world richest lists have proven this. Many people are puzzled by this phenomenon.The outlooking life is interpreted as the reason for the Jewish self -improvement and growth, and they also admire their efforts and success while sympathizing with them.Now the Jews have their own country. In 1948, Israel was recognized by the United Nations. It has settled for more than 76 years in the Middle East. It only looks like the support of more than 20 million compatriots behind it.It seems that the intelligence and sensitivity of the Jewish are often trapped into a passive situation of different degrees of passive situations.

A new round of passive situation in Israel began on October 7, 2023, and they encountered a sudden attack on Hamas and suffered a large number of civilian casualties and captivity.After they mobilized the 300,000 troops to vowed to settle the sand zone, it has been about 300 days so far, but it does not seem to have completed the two major tasks of eliminating the elimination of Hamas and rescue hostages.The battlefields include the Gaza region, the west bank of the Jordan, the Hascean armed forces, the Lebanon Albon, the Syrian, Iraq and Iran.

Israel, in such a dilemma, did not take an effect on effectively ease the situation. Instead, at the end of July this year, the Lebanon capital Beirut was first air -raid, killing the highest military leader of the Ozo Party, Schrick, and then attacked the Iranian capital Tehran.Assassination of Hamas's highest political leader Hania.Although it has achieved a good tactical victory, it is likely to anger Iran and the main opponent in the region.From a macro perspective, the predicament of Israel will probably increase. The highest spiritual leader of Iran has stated on July 31 that Iranian armed forces have the right to directly attack Israel.

Many Jews who settled in Israel do not seem to understand that the victory or smooth situation in front of them is not enough to make their homes safer, and it is not enough to make people's lives happier.The conflict has proven this, but these Jews seem to be unwilling to believe in such facts.This situation makes it difficult for the world to understand the rationality of Israel's decisions. Under speculation, the Jewish "stupid" Jews may be based on the following reasons.

First, the obsession with territory is too prosperous.Jews without territories were wandering everywhere, inspiring strong fighting spirit and infinite potential, and also bringing extraordinary success and excellent reputation.But since the Belphi declaration a century ago, with the support of the Western powers, the Jews slowly obtained the land in Palestine, and began to obey the development and consolidation of this land.Not only that, they also broke through the UN decision No. 181 and promised to give them the scope of their land to achieve territorial spillover in order to achieve continuously advanced settlements.To be diligent in territory, to some extent is the root cause of Israel's current security dilemma.Expand your homeland to allow others to be homeless; expand your own territory, and make the territory of others become scorched soil.If Israel does not change this kind of obsession with territory, it is bound to be unable to achieve real reconciliation with the Palestinians.

The second is too confident in strength.The wealthy and clever Jews live together, and they may think that their strength is very powerful, at least on the land of the Middle East.They did prove this with five Middle East War and countless large and small conflicts.But their confidence in strength should not exceed a certain limit. For example, they may crush all neighboring countries in military strength, but it is impossible to defeat the joint power of all neighboring countries. The third Middle East War in 1967Early experience has explained this.Their economic and technological strength is indeed higher than the entire region, but the population of about 7 million cannot completely build the ability and potential of the 100 billion Arabia and Islamic people.As long as they are in the Middle East, this unbalanced reality gap is inevitable, but now they want to push all the billion people to the opposite side. At that time, the strong strength may not help.Human sea tactics will always have a place for martial arts, not to mention many people who are not afraid of death.

Third, the understanding of status is too biased.The Jews are the nations that cannot be ignored. Israel is a regional core country with a fulcrum. No one ignores the status quo, but some people ignore the support and reliance behind this status.

Israel is inseparable from the support of the country today

Israel, which has been founded since the founding of the People's Republic of China, has gained the current position of the current status. In the early days, there were colonial scholars such as Britain and France in Europe. Later, there were global overlords that Jews influenced super -influence.Rush to the sea.Just like today's asymmetric war against the Gashahaas, Israel depends on the support of continuous ammunition from the United States. Even if the whole people are soldiers, they cannot deal with bullets from all directions when the ammunition is short.I believe that without the help of the United States, Israel cannot directly attack a specific goal of Tehran.

The Israeli government is not so obedient to the United States today, I don't know where they have come from this misjudgment.

Fourth, the judgment of the situation is too short.If the Jews want to survive on the land of the Middle East, of course, it is absolutely needed. Otherwise, it is difficult to stand on the heel of Muslim's hostility and look around;It will bring peace.

This is a short -term and long -term strategic judgment that Jews who settle in.In the short term, it is necessary to obtain the opponent's fear and respect based on certain strength and even force, but it is necessary to master the scale, because this is to seek a friendly neighbor, not to cultivate a dangerous enemy; in the long run, we need to do it in the long run.There are more accurate policy combinations to distinguish different opponents, especially for those who are more extreme Palestinians, and they must not push them to no hope, because the fundamental goal is friendly cooperation to survive, rather than force on force intimidation.The horror is dependent.There is no long -term strategic planning, only short -term tactical suppression. At present, Israel wants to be peaceful.

From this point of view, there is no basis for the world's wisdom and ability, but there is enough reason to worry about the various choices and practices of Jews living in Israel.For example, according to the above speculation, the Jewish group of settlement still looks strong, but it seems not very smart.Of course, no one can know whether these Jews have the above ideas and how many people hold these ideas. I just hope that they still have extraordinary wisdom and courage to resolve their own dilemma.

The author is Yangzhou current affairs commentator