No one can guarantee that the Singapore people and politicians after the three generations of wealthy three generations will not start to feel that they can be easier and more comfortable.

As the saying goes, every family has a difficult scripture. Each family's husband and wife relationship, hand, foot relationship, parent -child relationship, for a long decades, have been insufficient to be complicated or even difficult for outsiders.It is probably difficult to avoid being too close to too close, too long time to get along with.In fact, the relationship between the country is the same, especially between neighboring countries.

The National Day of Singapore is also a separation day with the Malaysian Federation.Over the past 59 years, the two countries have continued their previous life entanglements earlier, and they have experienced countless storms. Fortunately, even when they have the highest hostile, they have never seen each other.On the one hand, it is related to Singapore's at the beginning, actively establishing a army, and not humble or humble; on the other hand, it is also related to Malaysia's political leaders who dare not be overpowering.Malaysia is at least a southern folk without a sense of badness in Singapore, and it is extremely impossible to support force as a solution to the problem.After all, the Malaysian country is a democratic country. So far, it has not allowed a person to cover the dictatorship of the entire system. Especially as the authority of the head of the commander of the three armies, it has the weight of anchoring the country and war.

Therefore, as long as the neighbors with water can stop all dissatisfaction and complaints between the tongue, or to operate during the election period, many things will be slow and upper and more upper after all.More importantly, many activities on both sides of the strait of Xinrou Long embankment just over a century remind people that there are many people on both sides of the strait. With the pace of immigration that has not stopped so far, this link is tough.In fact, such a relationship is common in Europe after World War II. Many neighboring countries have a deeper and wider historical hatred than the Mediterranean, and the entanglement of realistic interests, but it does not prevent Europeans from reaching the ultimate vision of peace and collaboration.

Although it is not a pivotal country in the world, the relationship between Xinma for decades has contained eternal politics and diplomatic propositions, which is worth pondering.

The first proposition is whether the state should take the interests of a single ethnic group as the core value, or should it be based on the principle of universal and equal principles.The main reason for Singapore to withdraw from the Federation is to establish "Malaysians' Malaysia" rather than "Malaysian Malaysia".The national strength of Malaysia itself has a destructive effect on the sound of the national spirit.

The second proposition is that the state should implement the spirit of practical solving the problem and not allow themselves to fall into the ideology of ideology.Singapore's self -reliance is the key to all kinds of dilemma after the division.Malaysia's politicians regardless of race have adopted unfriendly or even malicious moves, and even tried to use racism as attacks and provocations, and they were firmly resolved.On the eve of the historic elections of the Malaysian State in 2018, there were Malaysian people who sorted out the history of the two countries for decades of development and pointed out that the Singaporean government and the ruling party have been successfully reduced diplomatic disputes between the two countries, and also avoiding the new horse subjects to become the drama of the Singapore election.Indeed, this is a meaningful actions that Singapore's dispute over the control of the control of its own side. The focus of thinking in the process covers many details.

With the improvement of national strength, Singapore still insists that the thinking behind this should not be complicated: the volume of the two countries is unchanged. Singapore is always a small island country. The relationship between deterioration is the most disadvantaged.

Thinking about it this way, enter the third proposition.It is important to manage the relationship between neighbors and the color of the neighbors.But the relationship is two -way, and friendliness requires strength to make the foundation.As a result, the continuous strengthening of economic, military, social cohesion and other strengths are all the confidence standing in the world.From the equivalent value of Xinyuan Dingjich to 1 to 3.5, and the achievements of national construction in various aspects, it has a very practical attraction for the Malaysian people's hearts.

To achieve various construction results as soon as possible, the government needs the trust and support of the people, and to maintain this internal relationship for a long time, political integrity and responsibility cannot be relaxed.The rapid accumulation of strength requires seriously. This is whiter than vernacular, which can best reflect the truth in the past few decades.Solve the problem -whether it is internal problems or external problems -you can't do high altitude, let alone die by ideological frame.Only by being serious and serious can you make a strong neighboring country respectfully, and you don't think about it.

The fourth proposition is not to be hyperactive.We can effectively block bad intentions, but we must never show their arrogance to neighboring countries because of their wealth.In fact, Malaysia's political management is not good, public finances are constantly leaking, corruption is difficult to prevent, and national debt superpositions are part of the reasons that cause MILF to decline.However, the root source behind it, including the country's no enemies, causing internal lack of vigilance, abundant natural materials, and ruling class.But in Singapore's eyes, it is even more unhappy about their wealth.No one can guarantee that the Singapore people and politicians after the three generations of wealthy three generations will not start to feel that they can be easier and more comfortable.There are food in the world in the supermarket. There are most of the famous brands in the mall. There are no obvious enemies around the mall. The nerves do not have to be so tight.

The decline of the country stems from underestimating the external environment and overestimating internal strength.The contrasting neighbors are most suitable for each other. If you know, you will have no reason to change, work together, and for decades of mutual benefit and prosperity, it is a beautiful thing.The Xinrou Subway will largely change the business and life of the two places, and will help Johor even greater.If the Xinlong high -speed rail is opened again, the change will be deeper and permanent.As long as politics maintains the general harmony and the people's intentions will help each other, changes will come quickly as the traffic is more convenient.The breakup in front of a Jiazi is not only the journey to their respective signs after climbing, but also the opportunity to start with each other as a reference today.