Life is like a marathon, and decades of schedule must constantly adjust the mentality.Even if you can't reach the scene of Huashan's Sword, leave your own footprint on the way to the peak.

The opening ceremony of unlimited creativity opened the 2024 Summer Olympic Games.The Olympic Games is different from general sports competitions, but is a super international event involving elements such as sports, politics, economy, culture, and environment.For the holding cities, it is a comprehensive, multi -level, multi -dimensional, and deep challenge. The huge impact of the emergence from single to comprehensive, from partial to the whole, from national leaders to civilians, continuously penetrates into the country, society,,,,,,,, to the country, society,,,,,,, to the country, society,,,,,,, to the country, society,,,,,,,Enterprises, groups to individuals and other aspects.


Modern Olympic Games originated in the sports competition more than 2000 years ago. From the initial noble internal sports activities, it gradually evolved into a sports competition event that civilians and slaves can also participate.Although the movement was interrupted for more than 1,500 years later, with the smooth hosting of the 1896 Athens Olympics, the modern Olympic Games flourished.Looking back at the history of the Olympic Games, the Olympic Games was interrupted due to the war and postponed due to the epidemic. However, the development of the Olympic Games never stopped, but instead set off a charm that was difficult to resist in every host city.

The Olympic Games is the symphony of strength, speed and skills, and has endless charm.In the summer of 2024, passion collided freely on the Seine River in the rain.The opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games pays tribute to women's power from various aspects.The statue of 10 outstanding women in French history rose slowly from the Sina River. The light and heat in history in history are more shiny than the gold medal.For the first time, the number of men and women athletes has been exactly the same for this Olympic Games. The number of female athletes from 0%in the 1896 Athens Olympics to 50%of the Paris Olympic Games in 2024, and has taken a big step in the equality of men and women.The influence of female players in the field is not limited to the field of sports, but slowly infiltration and continuously expand to the world and nations in the world, and even promote the civilization of the entire human world.

The Paris Olympics also has a special team -refugee delegation. They have no national flag and national anthem, but they represent more than 100 million refugees.Many refugees exile abroad in order to avoid the war, crisis and oppression of the original countries. Refugee athletes overcome the difficult and dangerous obstacles to participate in the Olympic Games, showing the tough human potential, and conveying a hope to ordinary people who were displaced and hungry and cold worldwide around the world., A warm.

There is always inspirational, sturdy life legend at the Olympic Games. Any athletes who can stand on the Olympic Games have a thrilling difficult course behind them.The youngest player of this Olympic Games is only 11 years old and the oldest 61 years old.The evaluation of the opening ceremony is mixed, but the Paris Olympics are the world's best in many ways.Silling Dion, who defeated the disease and returned to the stage, performed a perfect performance on the opening ceremony to perfectly reflect the strong and unyielding Olympic spirit.

Except for the Summer Olympics, the Winter Olympics and Paralympic Games are wonderful.Although there are divergent opinions on topics related to the Olympic economy, the views of promoting unity and improving soft power through the Olympic Games have been widely recognized.

Infected by the Olympic spirit outside the field, there are countless unyielding and brave life competitive players.At the same time as the ordinary people are paying attention to the information of the field, they also use the Olympic spirit of "faster, higher, stronger, and more united" to the rapid development and rapid development of all walks of life, and even brings to the very well.Every daily life scene.

The huge energy generated by the Olympic spirit

Links with the Olympic Games are really glorious.On July 13, 2001, Beijing ’s Olympics was successful!As a student reporter, the author participated in many school sports activities during this period, and published a number of reports related to the provincial newspaper and school newspapers in a row.In one of the picture news, the award -winning football players held a large banner of "A Olympic Olympics" and "Beijing Good Luck" banner, leaving a wonderful moment in front of the camera.When I heard that the football players got the newspaper, they ran and jumped in the dormitory corridor, shouted and shouted, and they were all excitedly embraced.

At the end of August 2001, the 21st World University Student Games was grandly held in Beijing.In the summer vacation, the author worked hard at the school to work hard, and then rushed to Beijing alone to feel the exciting Olympic spirit as a volunteer at the scene.Why pay attention to the Grand Games so much?Because in May of that year, the Torch of the Grand Games passed through our school, and I made an exclusive interview at the scene.The passion ignited by the torch transmission activity burned in my mind, prompting me to pay attention to the various processes of the Universiade through the Internet.So for the first time, I went to Beijing and participated in this international sports event at the scene as a volunteer.

This international contest made me a wider world outside the editor, and planted a magical seed in my heart, which generated endless motivation and accumulated continuous energy.Before the 2001 Grand Games ended, I was determined that during the 2008 Olympic Games I was going to become a volunteer again at the scene.However, it was against the wishes. In the summer of 2008, my work in Tokyo was in the climbing stage, and I had to give up the plan for volunteers for various reasons.But no matter where, every sports event later attracted my attention. I also caught the positive energy given by the Olympic spirit in the air.Singapore has participated in many volunteers.There are still many friends who have been empowering to themselves by my side. They have worked forward and bravely on different life runways and different stages of life.

Let the Olympic Dongfeng disperse the haze in front of you

At the moment when graduation is unemployed and accelerated the depreciation of the academic qualifications, many young people have to take off the "Kong Yiji gown" after being ruthlessly hit in reality and put down their bodies to do those jobs they don't like.Some Jin Yong fans even thought that when they were student, they felt as smart and omnipotent as Huang Rong; after graduation, they were repeatedly frustrated and found that they experienced bumps and fate like Mu Nianci.The aunt is crazy and stupid, and it is dispensable; after the unemployment, he has long -faced, and his physical and mental damage is as good as Mei Chaofeng.

In fact, when war fires, continuous inflation, and continuous changes in the world structure, people of all ages are facing different life problems and stress on life.Regardless of the cold gate or the pride of heaven, it is impossible to smooth sails on the road of life. Even the president and the king, Lei Jun and Musk, the pressure they bear is no less than the burden of ordinary people's shoulders.The Lao Lao, Moonlight, lying flat, strawberry clan and "glass heart" should not be the result of active choice, nor is it inherent in a state of inherent. Only by actively entering the magnetic field full of positive energy, it is possible to turn around the wind.

Life is like a marathon, and decades of schedule must constantly adjust the mentality.It is not difficult to find that in this schedule, every time after a period of time, some people either exited the track inexplicably or silently.Those who can persist in the end show patience and perseverance. Don't leave the game regardless of the wind, frost, snow, and lightning thunder.Even if you can't reach the scene of Huashan's Sword, leave your own footprint on the way to the peak.

Each Olympic Games is like a huge magnetic field, attracting countless followers to the holy place where pilgrimage goes to their hearts.The Paris Olympics scene was colorful. The positive energy inside and outside the field radiated to all parts of the world through more channels, dispeling the haze in the hearts of countless people.

The created by the ship is not to hide in the port to enjoy the comfort, but to ride the wind and waves on the sea and explore the unknown world.The east wind of the Paris Olympics is prosperous. Don't you plan to let the boat of life be available to sail?

The author is Chinese teacher