Cultivating a top -level moving person requires the dedication of the country.The support of the Chinese people is not inseparable from abandonment, perhaps the key to helping players to cross psychological obstacles.

Every time Luo Jianyou was lost, he closed his eyes and vomited, then murmured, and repeatedly practiced some actions in his hand, as if he was telling himself that he had just received Ansai Long's ball.That's right.

At 3 am on Saturday (August 3), I do n’t know how many people are like me. Watch in front of the screen to watch Paris Olympic Games Badminton men's singles rematch Luo Jianyou and the last Olympic champion Denmoron.

In the end, although Luo Jianyou was defeated, he saw that he struggled for every point on the field. He changed his gauze in the middle of his right hand and kneeling on the ground after the game was sad.

This is sports, full of passion, both inspiring and occasionally disappointing.No matter what kind of emotions, it is undeniable that sports is a activity that quickly condenses people's hearts and can resonate with unknown people.

2016年,里约奥运会约瑟林以50.39秒的成绩摘下100Mi Butterfly Qiu Gold , defeated a lot of good players in the world. I still remember that many people have gathered in front of the screen to cheer for him.

In the Tokyo Olympics in 2021, Ping Pong Girl will be injured with injury all the way to the female.Single semi -final , although she could not win the medal as expected, she had won the respect of everyone.

However, recently, I had a group of old friends and talked about the Paris Olympics. There were so many people who didn't pay much attention during the table.Maybe because Singapore has the opportunity to win the medal in this Olympic Games, it is not very enthusiastic about chasing.No one wants the players to accompany them. Everyone wants to see their athletes standing on the podium and hearing the national anthem to play the audience.

The predicament we face is that many resources in Singapore are used on the issue of economic development and people's livelihood. In this environment, it is not easy to cultivate world -class athletes.

The regional sports meeting may still be a male and female, but once you come to the top game such as the Olympic Games, there are not many opportunities to break out of medals.

Singapore has been sending players to participate in the Olympic Games since the colonies in 1948. He has participated in a total of 16 sessions. So far, he has only won five medals, namely one gold, two silver and two copper.

If you only have the hope of winning the card, you can be interested in the Chinese people, then it is difficult to pay attention to national attention.

The government and relevant departments have been actively promoting sports in recent years. The Singapore team funds and excellent sports potential programs have achieved certain results, but it just focuses on cultivating excellent athletes.In addition to top players, we need to achieve results in the world -class games, and we also need world -class supporters.

There is a proverb in Africa: Educating a child requires the efforts of the village.So to cultivate a top -level moving person, in fact, it also needs to pay for the country.

Singapore has continuously expanded in hardware facilities, training teams, and economic support in recent years.And plan.In addition to gifted and acquired efforts, athletes also need national support, social recognition, and people's support.Among them, the support of society and the people cannot just let it go, and many times they need orderly organization and driving.

For example, the key reports of newspaper online media, advertising congratulations, and wishes or banners that cheer up, and even the constituencies, work units or schools where individual sports players live in, can actively launch support activities, allowing players to allow playersKnow that everyone is supporting them behind.

Each player has his own dream, and he wants to show the best performance as the light of the country, but they will also have their own psychological barriers to overcome.The support of the Chinese people is not inseparable from abandonment, perhaps the key to helping players to cross psychological obstacles.

Regardless of the award or not, the athlete's competitive career is short. They can come here, each of which has paid countless efforts and sweat.We do not support our own players. Who will let it be supported?

If you have missed Zeng Jian, Yan Xinhui, and Luo Jianyou, the next Sandy, Chen Jiexian, and Mo Shilian should not let them walk desertedly in the Olympic journey.