The opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games is like the last dinner scene caused a lot of discussion. The Vatican official has no comments so far, but some politicians from various countries have quickly carried the banner of defending Christianity to fill their consciousness.The morphology is blank.

The Paris Olympic Games breaks the practice of opening in the stadium. With the city as the stage, the show is performed on well -known scenic spots such as the Senna, the Robo Palace, the Notre Dame, and the Paris Tower.American singer Lady Gaga and Canadian Schilin Dionon sang.Unexpectedly, the opening ceremony that claimed to be the "Declaration of Love" caused the most intense discussion to look like the scene of the last dinner of Da Vinci.

LGBTQ (compilation: generally referring to non -heterogeneous) activist Barbara Butch, like the decoration of Barbara But, is like the halo on the top of Jesus in religious paintings, the queen and cross -genderThe model dances on both sides, and the countertop is a naked singer with a blue color.

This scene aroused the anger of some Catholic and Christian groups. The organizer later apologized for unpleasant performances and explained that the show was interpreting the feast of Greece.Last dinner.Some art analysts point out that the number of performers does not meet the twelve disciples of the last dinner, and there is no "dinner" in the setting, and the composition is more like the banquet of the gods painted by the 17th century Dutch painter Jan Van Bijlert.(The Feast of the Gods).

Whether paying tribute to Greek mythology or critical Christian civilization, some opponents have pointed out that this performance actually symbolizes the degeneration of French culture, indicating that the disintegrated French civilization is already angry.

The history of Christian religion for more than 2000 years has undergone too many ups and downs, which is not so vulnerable.The religious reforms that have been in the 16th century have spawned Protestantism, but did not destroy Catholicism; the French Revolution, which set off a wave of modernization, locked the attacking church at the beginning, but Christian religion still showed strong toughness, affecting modern society, and politics.

Artistic reflection or dialogue with Christ religious is not unique to France or Europe, which is not even news.In the 1970s, Jesus Christia, a Broadway drama in New York, showed Jesus' humanity and was also condemned to "blasphemy God".If it is said that Jesus is too avant -garde with rock music and modern costumes, causing conservatives to rebound. Catholicism in the Middle Ages is still in the heyday of cultural hegemony.The last judgment of the Last Judgment drawn by Ronalin, because Jesus and apostles in the painting exposed.

Christianity has also canceled culture

Paulo Veronese, a painter, one of the "Three Jack of Venice" in the 16th century, entrusted the last dinner for the Church of the Venice Church. As a result, religious referee complained that paintings are too happy and not enough.The solemnity also pointed out that at the time of the religious revolution, the characters dressed in the paintings in the paintings are like being advocated to become more and more prosperous in northern Europe.But the painter was reluctant to modify it, so the picture was renamed the Feast in the House of Levi, and was re -interpreted as the tax official's non -banquet to wait for Jesus and the disciples.Church, but stored in the Venice Academic Museum.

The Olympic Games in ancient Greece opened with a sacred sacrifice ceremony. The opening of the modern Olympic Games has already been performed by secular performance, but conservatives are worried that the style of the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games is the blowing of the American awakening culture.Cancel Culture will annihilate the Christian civilization.

Like the ridicule of history, the Roman Emperor Theodosius I (Theodosius I) began to prohibit the pagan -left by ancient Greek Roman culture after Christianity as a state religion at the end of the fourth century.Cancellation of culture, including the Olympic Games that prohibit the heterogeneous ritual.

Stir the battle that plagues the soul that plagues the West

Thomas Jolly, the prestigious theater director who carefully planned the opening ceremony, faced the storm, explaining that he was not deliberately subverting, ridiculed or creating shock, but to pass a kind of love message, tolerance, toleranceInformation.Perhaps this is not the tolerance method he expects, but the reality is the criticism of the mountains and the sea, and participated in the conversation in an angry way.Angry shows that this performance triggers personal emotions, rather than an unrelated bystander, touched the deepest thinking and sensitive nerves in Europe, and stirred the struggle of the soul of the West after more than 200 years of the French Revolution.

In addition to the rebound of religious leaders and believers, politicians on both sides of the Atlantic have also joined the ranks.Johnson, Speaker of the Republican House of Representatives, said in social media that the mockery of the last dinner made Christians who watched the Olympic opening ceremony around the world were shocked and insulted.Italian Deputy Prime Minister Salvini said to "dear French": "Insulting billions of Christians around the world during the performance is a very bad Olympic way of opening, it is really low -level."

Johnson is a pious gospelist, and Salvini, who leads the Italian Right -Right -Right Alliance Party (Lega), has suddenly become the flag bearer of the Catholic Church in Italy since 2018. It advocates hanging cross on campus and often holds up the cross on the election occasions.Promoting the family value of Catholicism, although he has divorced and replaced his partner one after another. He is currently living with the latest partner instead of remarry.

claims to be Catholics, but Salvini, who rarely go to church, summons nationalism with populism, and also summons Christian.For the first time, he kissed the rose rosary in his hands and vowed to the Bible. He said privately that these actions were surprised to cause such a warm response and passionate support for the masses.

But the Vatican's influence on religious symbols, symbols, and rituals, and the destructive power that may be driven is clear, opposing Catholicism's tools to become politicians again.The opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games is like the last dinner scene caused a lot of discussions. The Vatican official has no comment so far, but some politicians from various countries have quickly taken up the banner of defending Christianity to fill their ideological gaps.

The author is a Taiwanese journalist and a doctor of sociology living in Italy