A peak time to work on a working day, the water on the subway cannot be leaked.An old man who looks very big enters the carriage with a crutch. At first glance, the old people are consciously standing by the passengers.Give him the space.The old man followed the gap of the opening of everyone to the front of the preferred seat. A young girl sat there and watched her mobile phone.The old man said, "Amei, can you give a seat to Uncle? Thank you!" The young girl looked up and saw the old man with a crutch.Repeat: "Thank you Amei."

Seeing this scene, I think of a video fragment I saw not long ago.In the Beijing Metro, a tough old man roared a crutch and roared at a young woman in the seat: "Why don't you give me a place, shouldn't young people give the old people to the seat?" AfterwardsThe old man used his hands to cover the mouth of the young woman, and a series of indecent and unsuitable limb conflict.It can be seen from the video that the young woman was also angry. She shouted at the old man angrily: "Give someone to others, you, I, I won't let it!"

Two almost the same exactly the same, please give up the scene, but the results are completely different.I think that the very important reason is that the language, attitude, and tone of the old man who asked young people to make a seat can bring completely different results.Please give up the seat, if there is a quantity, let the words say a word, and do not let the moral abduction of others. In general, the passengers sitting will give up the seat friendly.Normal conditions do not even need to be reminded by the elderly, young people will take the initiative to give up.

The uncle of the Beijing Metro, from the words and deeds behind him, may be inferred that at the beginning, he communicated with people in an order to accuse others from the high point of morality, and finally triggered a vortex of public opinion that was biased towards the girl and discussed the uncle.It can be seen that language is the most important communication tool for human beings.It is not only the carrier of conveying information, but also a powerful force that affects people's emotions, attitudes and behaviors.The way of use of language can often change the direction of an event in virtue, and even shape social culture to a certain extent.

Words and expressions directly affect the receiving effect of information.The expression of mild and respectful expression can usually win the favor and understanding of the listener; the aggressive and accusation tone can easily cause disgust and resistance.This phenomenon reflects the artistic and strategicness of language expression.

Language is amazing, the same means, different people are expressed in different sentences and different languages, and the results are different.This also reminds us that we usually pay attention to our words, whether they are at work or life, and pay attention to the communication attitude.Communication is not to transmit information, solve problems, convey emotions, or establish relationships.All communication is to have a positive result. No one's communication was initially to cause dispute quarrels.Therefore, when communicating, standing from the perspective of others, considering the feelings of others, and paying attention to the words, it is very necessary.Because the power of language exceeds our imagination.

In the workplace, the power of language is particularly obvious.The effectiveness and strategy of communication are directly related to work efficiency and teamwork.Efficient communication can not only quickly transmit information and solve problems, but also inspire team members and enhance cohesion.For example, in team communication, leaders' use of positive languages ​​can stimulate the creativity and enthusiasm of team members; negative, criticism, and magnificent language may fight morale and affect the team's enthusiasm.

Language is not only a communication tool, but also a manifestation of the power of communication.We should be aware of the influence of the language and pay attention to the words in daily life. Don't speak well, open your mouth to bring people "uncomfortable".

The author is the company's financial staff