With the abnormal performance and assassination of the Biden debate, the victory of the US Republican candidate Trump has increased greatly, which has to make countries around the world more seriously study his foreign policy after the victory.In order to further understand the foreign policy he will implement, all walks of life focuses on Wans, which is a vice presidential campaign partner, and the controversial "2025 project" in the United States.

As a candidate with a polarized image, Trump was not optimistic about the early election, but the television debate at the end of last month reversed the decline.Coupled with his assassination at the election rally a previous weekend, business tycies such as Musk subsequently explicitly expressed their support to support him, and more and more Democratic people and Jinzhu have called for Bayeng to abandon the election, and Trump will enter the White House again.The possibility of the possibility cannot be ignored.

Although Trump has seen his foreign policy of waving the banner of "U.S. Priority" in the first four years, he has experienced several changes in the international situation after 2020. How will he make adjustments and adjust?He chose the young Wans as a vice presidential campaign partner, which is undoubtedly one of the important clues for all parties to interpret future diplomatic trends.

After fully absorbing Pence, the first four years, after the latter "betrayed" his painful lesson, Trump's selection of each other was of course the faithfulness of the other party.Although Wans once described Trump as a "full scam", "moral disaster" and "Hitler in the United States", he was like many Republicans who sought a sense of existence in the Trump era, but eventually became Trump's most firmOne of the supporters.Judging from Wans' foreign policy on various occasions, he is indeed similar to Trump on many diplomatic issues.

For Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Wanz, as a Federal Senator in the Ohio, has repeatedly voted to prevent the assistance of the assistance to the Ukraine.He agreed to Trump's view, advocating to mediate the Russian and Ukraine War, and oppose the current military aid Ukraine to resist Russian invasion.Trump has stated many times that he is quite disgusted with Ukraine President Zellezki, which has largely attributed him to the other party's scandal that he would be impeached and re -elected, and even "covering up" his son's scandal.In fact, Trump's basic idea of ​​the problem of Russia's invasion of Ukraine is similar to his contact with North Korea in the first term, which is designed to reach a transaction.

But Wans' more important role is likely that if Trump will enter the White House again, it will strengthen the next U.S. government's eagle position on China policy.Considering that the governing team that Trump may be formed will include some important cabinets who rely on the first four years of relying on, and they are like Wande's policies to the Chinese policy, restarting the "extreme pressure" method of China, and they are expected to become a special specialty.The core foreign policy of Trump's second term.

Looking back at Wans' past remarks, they are inseparable from the door to focus on China.After being nominated as the vice presidential candidate on the 15th, he said in an interview with Fox TV that China was the "biggest problem" and "biggest threat" in the United States.It is also believed that the Russian and Ukraine negotiations should be promoted, "quickly ending the war, so that the United States can focus on the real problem, which is China."

It is worth noting that once Trump is elected, Wans may even push Trump's strategy to "separate from Russia".On many occasions, he has always advocated that for the benefit of the United States, he must contact Putin and reconcile. He believes that the United States does not have enough industrial capabilities to support the Ukrainian war and Israel.Put in East Asia.He also said in an interview with Fox TV at the end of April: "If we focus on curbing China, Europeans can stand up in Europe."

However, it must be pointed out that although both Trump and Wans regard China as the biggest threat to the United States, from the perspective of Trump ’s trend to China and his consistent style of acting, will he be fully adopted after being elected.Sri Lanka's foreign strategy to China is probably unknown.Trump ’s most clear statement on the strategy of China after taking office is to increase the import tariffs on Chinese goods by 60%, but considering that he has always adhered to the concept of all things in the world, it isThe core values ​​are not interesting. Many observers have to doubt that increasing tariffs may only be used as negotiating chips with China to exchange greater benefits, rather than to curb China.

Trump's newly published Bloomberg Commercial Week suddenly spoke. Taiwan should pay protection fees to the United States for defense, making it more doubtful that his strategy to China is still full of transactions.Mainland China has paid a high price for invasion of Taiwan.

In addition to Wans, the 2025 project (Project 2025) formulated by more than 100 major US conservative organizations including traditional Foundation, including traditional Foundation, has also become another reference blueprint for countries to understand Trump's policy trends.Although Trump has been trying to keep a distance from the project in 2025, all circles expect the project to control the Trump administration's administration direction in the future.The project believes that China is a major threat and criticized any compromise to China.What is more interesting is that the report recommends a significant reduction in the US International Development Agency (USAID), which is responsible for overseas assistance plan, withdraw capital from the United Nations institutions, and suggests that the president has more power to distribute US foreign aid.The interests of fuel companies will not be used to help poor countries meet the impact of climate change.

Considering that Wans advocates that the United States should stop adventure, it is in line with Trump's tendencies in isolation. It is expected that many parts of the world, including Southeast Asian countries, are beginning to worry about whether Trump will enter the White House once again.Will be ignored.

The author is a local current affairs commentator