Source: Bloomberg

Author: Jordan Fabian, Akayla Gardner

US Vice President Kamara Harris quickly consolidated the support of the key Democrats for her recent presidential campaign, hoping to end the party's turmoil and successfully challenge Donald Trump.

Within 24 hours after Joe Bayeng withdrew his re -election, Harris seemed to have a clear path to nomination.No other well -known Democrats said they would challenge her.She was supported by senior party members, including the Democratic Governor, which may become candidates: Gavin Newsom in California, JB Pritzker in Illinois, and Gretchen Whitmer in Michigan.

The former House of Representatives Southern Perlis expressed support for Harris on Monday and joined the Democratic wave of the vice presidential campaign.According to CNN, the Senate's major party leader, Chake Schumer, and House leader Hakeem Jeffries, will show Harris earlier on Monday.

According to a person familiar with the matter, as of the end of Sunday, Harris has contacted more than 100 party officials, labor leaders, activity groups, senior Democratic members and state members to seek support.It also includes two former presidents: Bill Clinton and Obama, as well as former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

The vice president took over Biden's campaign and is now renamed "Harris for President", which enables her to obtain $ 96 million in preparation funds.Harris plans to go to the campaign headquarters to convene a staff member at the Terlaflove's Wilmington's Wilmington on Monday evening.

Harris pays tribute to Biden at the event organized by the White House for college athletes. In her first public appearance after Biden's retirement, she said that Biden "has surpassed the legacy of most presidents of two terminals."

"I have witnessed our President Joe Bayeng to fight for the American people every day. We thank him very much for his contribution to our country," Harris said.Biden originally plans to speak at this event, but he still stays in Travly.

Harris will hold her first rally as a presidential candidate on Tuesday, Wisconsin, Wisconsin, on Tuesday. This opportunity will attack Trump offensive and get rid of the party split disputes caused by Biden's age.

The former chairman of the National Committee of the Democratic Party and the Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz predicts that Harris will get the support of most vow representatives in "in a short time".As of noon on Monday, Harris has won nearly half of the representatives of the party's predecessor nomination.

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Harris must also choose a campaign partner to win back the voters who are far away from Biden and prepare to deal with Trump's highly personal attacks.

Guessing a group of white male officials, many of them come from the battlefield state.This includes some governors: Josh Shapiro in Pennsylvania, Roy Cooper in North Carolina, Andy Beshear in Kentucky, Tim Walz of Minnesota, and Mark Kelly, Senator Arizona.Whitmer told the media that she was not interested in this position.

Bynden announced the endorsement of Harris less than half an hour after the refund was refunded on Sunday. Other senior Democrats also followed up quickly, including Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Walren.George Soros, Wall Street and Silicon Valley, REID HOFFMAN's REID HOFFMAN of Roger Altman and GreyLock Partners of Evercore Inc., also added support.

Fuscently, Obama's absence, he did not intend to endorse him before the candidate locks nomination.

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After a few weeks of pessimism, the Democratic voters seemed to be happy to see the changes in the election trend. Previously, the polls showed that the gap between Trump and Biden was widening.According to the Democratic Party's donation platform ACTBLUE, the Democratic Party announced that it will raise more than $ 50 million online after Bayeng's Sunday.

CBS News/YOUGOV's recent polls show that in the country, Harris lags behind Trump less than Biden.The polls of the New York Times/Siena College showed that Harris's performance in the two battlefield states in Pennsylvania and Virginia was also good than Biden two percentage points.

The 59 -year -old Harris has a new challenge to Trump, 78, and the younger and more vibrant candidate knows the strong abortion rights that the Democratic Party is strongly defended and not afraid of punch.

Dana also has weaknesses, including frequent personnel changes during the term of office and continuous doubts about its retail political talents.Harris's domestic and foreign policy agenda also faces questions, and Republicans may use this.