Source: Bloomberg

Author: Ben Sills, Jan Braatanic, Andra Timu

US Vice President Kamara Harris became the leader of the Democratic President's nominated candidate overnight. The leaders of all countries that Donald Trump might return to the White House faced new uncertainty.

Most foreign officials interviewed by Bloomberg looked at Bayon's withdrawal from the perspective of whether it is more likely to defeat Trump, which is enough to show their concerns about Trump.With a different degree of frankness, they hope to defeat Trump in Harris in the November election as the first female president in the United States.

Bynden decided to withdraw from the election on Sunday, ending the long -term farce of his body and mental condition.Although polls show that Harris's chance of challenging Trump may be slightly higher, this has not changed the basic strategic considerations of governments in the world.They need to prepare for Trump again.

According to the two informed officials, most European countries governments are quietly seeking to cultivate relations with the United States Republicans to ensure that they keep in touch with the White House that may be in power by Trump.

"We must be prepared for both situations," said the Czech Foreign Minister Yang Lipstoski. "We can't wish to think that one candidate is better than another."

As a possible Democratic presidential candidate, Harris ordered American allies and opponents to face two key issues.Can she win in the election?How much is the Harris foreign policy as President's Harris?

From Ukraine's invasion of Russia, to the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, to Europe's security future, US -China relations, and the results of the two countries on the global influence, the result of multiple geopolitical challenges will depend onThe answer to these two questions.

"From the perspective of Poland, the most important thing is the position of the new candidates for the Democratic Party in NATO, defending Poland, and supporting Ukraine," Tomasz Siemoniak, the intimate ally of Poland's Interior and Prime Minister Donald Tusk, to BloombergSaid, "Will the route of Biden continue?"

Harris put forward a vision at the Munich Security Conference in February -she believes that the United States participating in global affairs can help the people's people's security and boost the country's economy.Vivid comparison.At the time, she participated in the largest annual foreign policy conference in Europe.

"We are committed to pursuing global participation, maintaining international rules and norms, defending democratic values ​​at home and abroad, and striving to pursue common goals with our allies and partners," she said. "Our approach is not based on charitable virtues.. We take this way because it meets our strategic interests. "

Jerry Moran, a Republican Senator in Kansas, said he expected that no matter who won the presidential election, the United States will continue to participate in global affairs.

He said in an interview with Bloomberg TV GUY JOHNSON at the Bloomberg TV Guy Johnson at the Fanbao Luo International Air Show in the UK, "I expect any government to withdraw from the world stage," he added that he expected that he would be elected, and to Ukraine, he would be on Ukraine.Aid will continue.

"I think Ukraine has a path to success and victory," he said, "I think it is important for us to continue to pursue this cause."

Dmitry Peskov, a spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin, told reporters on Monday that the Kremlin could not evaluate Harris' potential impact on bilateral relations, "because she has not noticed her contribution to our relationship so far."

According to the two foreign affairs consultants of Brazilian President Lula, he suffered from Harris and believed that she had time to replace Trump in November.A person familiar with the matter who requested anonymous because of discussing the presidential idea said that what Luolla believes is important that the Democratic Party officially determines the qualifications of Harris and united.In addition, Lulan believes that Harris's performance in female voters may be better than Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Harris has been more active in the Asia -Pacific region, but she committed a widely circulating mouth when visiting the North Korean -Korean non -military region and confused these two countries.In April last year, South Korean President Yin Xiyue visited the United States with Harris for lunch. The two also visited the National Aerospace Bureau of the National Aerospace Administration in Maryland.

An official said that Tokyo is optimistic that if Harris is elected president, it will consolidate the relationship between the United States and Japan.The official said that Harris had established a solid relationship with Japanese counterparts, and her background on the West Coast in the United States also gave her a good understanding of the region.

For more than a decade, whether it is Democratic or Republicans in the White House, Washington's foreign policy system has been trying to shift the focus of the United States from Europe to Asia and China.European officials believe that this trend will continue.

During the NATO Summit held in Washington earlier this month, an official lamented that whether the next US president is Trump or a DemocratPromise of Atlantic Relations.

German Foreign Minister Berbak has also passed similar information.

"Regardless of the election results, it is clear that Europe must invest more funds in its own security and must become stronger," when Belbak arrived in Brussels on Monday to attend the EU Foreign Minister's meeting.