The General Secretary of the Vietnam Communist Party died on July 19, allowing the long -term Vietnamese political situation to increase the turbulence and add a new variable. Not many people know where the Vietnam and South China innovation campaign will go.In many places, Vietnam is very similar to China. Both of them are one of the only existence of Communist countries in the world, and they have embarked on the path of reform in the 1970s and 1980s.Both are transformed from a planned economy to a market economy, attracting foreign capital, promoting international trade, and restricting the development of the private economy.Another important thing in common is that after the economic system reform, it has maintained strict control politically and continued to maintain centralized rule in order to confront the Western ideology.

But in general, in addition to earlier, China's reform and opening up also benefited from catching up with the global wave after joining the WTO, so it is more successful.Conversely, Vietnam's political system with relatively scattered power is more free.However, the two also faced the rigidity of the political system, and the bottleneck of restricting the economic development at a certain stage.As former Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao said: "Without the success of the reform of the political system, the economic system reform cannot be carried out, and the results that have been achieved may be lost." This situation is also applicable to Vietnam.

Vietnam's political pattern has obvious dispersal characteristics. The General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, the President of the Communist Party, the State President, the Prime Minister of the Government, and the chairman of the Congress constituted the "four pillars", and did not have a obvious strong core as China.Therefore, although the Vietnamese constitution also stipulates the special status of the Vietnam Communist Party, the Vietnamese Prime Minister has relatively independence on General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam.Coupled with the huge differences in cultural, political, and economic traditions in history in history, it will also form a political ideology of Cadres of North Vietnam as the general secretary of the general secretary, and the southerners will be the division of labor in charge of economic work in charge of economic work.There is a subtle difference in the attitude towards the relationship with the northern China and the West.Relatively speaking, the northern faction conservative tendency that roughly focuses on ideology, and the southern faction, which is mostly technical bureaucrats, is more inclined to reform.This is a bit similar to the situation in China.

This political decentralization provides better conditions for Vietnam's political reform, because the unified political pattern is often more conservative.Therefore, a series of democratic measures within the party of the Central Committee, the General Secretary of the General Secretary of the Central Committee, and the "relative" respect of the "relative" of the "relative" of the "relative" of the "relative" of the "relative" of the "relative" of the "relative" of the "relative" of the "relative" of the "relative" of the "relative" of the rule of law and the freedom of the journalism of the rule of law and the freedom of the press.In fact, it is at the forefront of socialist countries.

However, in 2016, it has a watershed nature.After the Twelve CPIC held in January of this year, after fierce struggle, only Ruan Fuzhong was re -elected as General Secretary of the four pillars and kicked the leading prime minister of the reform faction to the leadership, which showed that the conservatives were able to control Vietnamese politics.Since then, Ruan Fuzhong's power has continued to consolidate. In 2018, he also served as President of the State.Until 2021, regardless of his weakness and the regulations of the party constitution, he was "selected" as the general secretary for the third time.This not only means that there is a serious retrogression of both political reforms, but also makes the development prospects of Vietnam a shadow.

The biggest political expert in ideological experts is to anti -corruption and integrity.Since consolidating its status, hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese officials have been cleaned in the name of anti -corruption, including even Vice Premier Fan Pingming and Wude, State President Ruan Chunfu, Wu Wenzheng, President Wang Tinghui, and Zhang Shimei, executive secretary of the Central Secretariat, etc.Supreme Leading Cadre.Specific allegations are true, of course, there will not be too confirmed or falsified, but there is no doubt that the political status of Ruan Fuzhong, who has been dragging the disease, has never been broken.

In addition, this anti -corruption also directly penetrated into the business community, like Zhang Meilan fraud cases that shocked the world.According to allegations, the case value is even as high as US $ 27 billion (about S $ 36.5 billion).

However, the essence of Vietnam's corruption is still the system corruption, that is, the absolute concentration of power, and the concentration of power has made power rental.Any country in the world cannot prevent corruption by educational or severe law.To solve the problem of corruption, it is necessary to guarantee the supervision of decentralization and power.

Whether Vietnam can achieve democratic transformation is quite pessimistic.Because Vietnam currently does not allow political parties to compete, nor the freedom of news and publishing of party competition, as well as the space of public opinion that should be diversified.

After the death of Ruan Fuzhong, he was temporarily secretary of the National President Su Lin.This was born in North Vietnam, working in the public security department for a long time, and a man of anti -corruption movement of Ruan Fuzhong. Obviously, it is not a reformist figure that will put economic construction on political stability.As for the future prospects of Vietnam's economic and political development, it is really only day.

The author is a local literary and historical enthusiast and religious researcher