Raceism is actually testing everyone in diversified racial society.In the event of a racial conflict, is we standing on the side of tolerance, reconciliation, and forgiveness, or is it on the side of hostility, fighting, and uncompromising?

In the past years (2018 to 2024), the racism is particularly arrogant and unscrupulous.The discussion of politicians often touches the sensitive nerves of racism, such as "Chinese is the root of corruption", "Chinese is rich, squeezing the living space of the Malays", and "Chinese people who are in Malay land, must be defended", all of which are all, all of them, all of whichIt is a typical racist discussion.

The "KK MART MART True Motor" incident that was full of storms and the storms of the city not long ago, and the suspected of the word -of -the -right character in high heels.

Is the racial relationship of Malaysia really bad?

There is a special access special on the Internet, so that we can see the views of various races discrimination and racial harmony.A Malays who interviewed admitted that they once went to a coffee shop with Chinese friends to drink tea with Chinese friends. He only drank tea and did not eat, but he heard that there were Chinese laughed at him next to him, saying that he sold it here.There are pork, how can you come here?He confessed, I only drink drinks, is there any mistake?

Another Indian interviewed. He once wandered on the streets of Kuala Lumpur. When he met three or four women, he saw him, and he told him tightly!They are 20 feet apart without light knives. How do they rob?As a result, they really reported the police, and a policeman came up to ask.These bearded Indians were aggrieved and said that your established impression: Indians are either alcoholic or robbers?

There is also a Malay who says he goes to apply for work. The Chinese boss asked him if he would speak Chinese?Although that job is a warehouse administrator, basically does not need to be used in Chinese.

The three major races interviewed believed that people have a deep -rooted established impression: Chinese people can make money (adulterers), Indians are alcoholic (rogue), and Malay laziness (not interesting).

A common problem that discrimination against each other is in line with the general explanation of racism: racism is a set of extremely right -wing social ideology. The basic belief is that humans can be classified into different and unique matters, and claims to claim.People of some races are essentially superior to those of other races.Racialism also supports people of certain races in a way of contempt, annoying, abusive, and isolation.

Raceism, mild, contempt, abuse, and annoyance; serious, can become terrible!The riots, killing each other, and burning houses caused by the "5.13 incident" that occurred in Malaysia in 1969. Despite the past 50 years, it is still unable to wear out from people's memory, especially if they lose their loved ones in riots.It's hard to forget.

What is even more terrible is the ethnic extinction incident that occurred in Rwanda, Africa in 1994.The Hutu and Tussi tribe began to kill each other because of some land disputes and rumors that infringement of religious taboos. Within 100 days, about 500,000 to 800,000 people were killed.

The conflict and killing caused by racism repeatedly occurred. Is there really no solution?South Africa was the hardest hit area of ​​racism.The white government implements a racial isolation policy, but the blacks are unwilling to yield and adopt various struggles, demonstration, bombing bombs, murdering, attacking white areas, and so on.However, with the release of the black leader Mandela's prison, the white people gave up the regime, so the infamous racial isolation policy was cut off.But, is racism who comes down this?It seems that the racial contradictions are still, the conflict continues, and the killing continues. It is definitely not when the champagne celebrates.What to do?Therefore, under the advocacy of the President Mandela and the Nobel Prize winner of the South African Nobel Peace Prize, the truth reconciliation committee was established in 1995 to actively clear the historical scars.


The Council of Truth Reconstruction is really fine, and the injustice of blood and tears interwing in the tragedy of racial conflict during the racial isolation policy and the wrong cases spread in front of the public.The committee must find the best solution of racial reconciliation in fairness, selfishness, and wisely, so that racial discrimination, conflict, and contradictions are resolved, and hatred can be forgive, and mistakes are forgiven.

There is a case that is most worth repeated: "A white police officer stigmatized a black young man to steal it during the race isolation, arrested him innocently, and killed him.The death penalty, but instead of her dead son, to eat at her house at least two days a week, accompanying her like her son.Mom's forgiveness "

This reconciliation is sincere and touching.

What about the "5.13 incident"?After more than half a century, why did not establish a commission of truth reconciliation?

Remember that after the "5.13 incident" of Humanitarian Malaysian writer and the National Literature Award of Malaysia and the National Literature Award of Malaysia, said that after the "5.13 incident": "(Italian) a child of a Jilan Dananbang, Heza FactoryChildren in the street, and the children of the Indian people in the garden, are all red! Chinese and Indians are by no means the enemy of the Malays.What kind of enlightened and generous minds are the racial relationship!

Ottoman Awang's physical strength, made many friends and Indian friends.Once he was admitted to the hospital for surgery, he needed blood transfusion. As a result, many Malay friends, Chinese, and Indian friends donated blood.After the operation, reporters and friends went to the hospital to visit. When he saw them, he joked: "Now I have the blood of the three major nations on my body."

Raceism is actually testing everyone in a diverse ethnic society.In the event of a racial conflict, is we standing on the side of tolerance, reconciliation, and forgiveness, or is it that the side of hostile, fighting, and not compromising?

Like the "KK MART Allah Socks" incident this time, shouting "Ge Ge" in the extreme racist's decibels, and Allah must not be stained, the parties apologize and not let go.With more people coaxing, emphasizing the voice of tolerance, understanding, and peaceful people is extremely weak.

If people standing in truth, tolerance, and accepting each other choose to be silent, then the racial relationship between Malaysia has to be worried!

The author is a local writer